The Appearance of Impropriety [The Horsemen] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 9
Tori was bemused. He was so unpredictable. One minute he’s content to snooze, and the next he wants to… I wonder why he has such an aversion to my work. He doesn’t seem like a chauvinist. He was more than willing to help me out when we were in Palm Beach. It certainly was puzzling.
Giving her no time to protest, Zack pulled Tori to her feet, picked her up, and walked into the house.
Chapter Sixteen
Zack carried Tori up the curved staircase, and she directed him down the right hallway. She looked like Scarlett O’Hara cradled in his arms. When they entered her large corner bedroom suite, Zack thought he had stepped back a century. Visions of Rhett Butler danced in his head. He couldn’t have conjured up a more romantic setting if he tried. He felt like a bull in a china shop.
Everything was white, from the gauzy curtains over the French doors to the quilt on the antique sleigh bed under a drape of transparent muslin mosquito netting suspended from the ornate ceiling. The wood floor was covered by an antique oriental rug in soft pastels so faded as to be almost colorless. Floral tiles surrounded the fireplace, and it was topped with a white marble mantel piece holding photographs in silver frames. The only spot of bright color was the Baccarat crystal vase and the two dozen red roses in full bloom which he had sent Tori for Valentine’s Day. She had put them on a table near the French doors.
Zack gently dropped her feet to the floor and, when she had gained her footing, stepped back. “Am I rushing you?”
“No,” she said as she looked into his sky blue eyes, slipped her jeans down the long slim length of her legs, and stepped out of them.
Tori walked over to the French doors and opened them onto the balcony. The billowing curtains let in the sleepy afternoon drone of bees, the chirping of birds, and a soft breeze. The fragrance of the abundantly blooming garden below and the bouquet of roses on the table enveloped them. Zack dropped his bathing suit and stepped up behind her, putting his arms around her and pulling her back against him. He pushed her shirt out of the way, and he pressed his engorged cock against her round bottom. His shaft was nestled against her round cheeks, and a frisson of nerves skittered over her skin.
Zack ran his large hands over her belly and cupped her soft, generous breasts. Her nipples hardened under the soft white cotton of her shirt. He gently worried the pink nipples until they were pouting and erect. He kissed the vulnerable nape of her neck and the delicate shell of her ear. Tori shuddered as he slid his hand down between her legs. Her pussy was swollen and wet with desire. She rubbed herself against his hand, but couldn’t seem to get enough of the delicious friction. He could feel her losing control.
Zack growled in her ear. “Slow down, baby. We have all afternoon. I don’t want to rush. I’ve been waiting for you all week.”
Zack drew her over to the foot of the antique sleigh bed and after moving aside the mosquito netting, gently pushed her down face first over the foot board. He raised the tails of her shirt to bare her bottom. She wiggled a little in protest at her exposed position. He just loved her ass.
“Raise up for me,” he said as he inserted his hand between her legs and stroked his fingers over the engorged flesh that was already moist for him. She moaned her acceptance as she arched her back, spread her legs, and raised her butt. He cupped the triangle between her legs, his fingers buried in the soft blonde curls. He slipped his fingers into her warm, moist cleft. Slowly he moved his questing fingers back and forth in a parody of lovemaking.
It wasn’t enough. Tori was wild with wanting. “Please, Zack….oh, please….I can’t…”
“Be still,” he said softly as he gently kissed her bottom. He was going to make her wait. He had to put a strong hold on his own surging desire. He was determined to draw this out to the last possible moment. He caressed the round ass that had occupied his thoughts so often during the past week as he continued to torment her with his talented fingers, keeping her just back from the edge of fulfillment. Finally, as she writhed in desperation, he stepped up into the cradle of her thighs, and supporting his weight on his muscular arms, he entered her fully with one smooth stroke and then stilled. Tori began to buck wildly.
Slowly he began to move, and with each stroke he plunged more deeply and then almost completely withdrew, only to pound into her again and again as Tori rose up to meet his rocking motion. It seemed to last an eternity as Zack exerted all the control he could summon, until finally they climaxed together in an earth-shattering cataclysm of bursting fulfillment.
Tori collapsed on the foot of the bed as Zack collapsed over her, reluctant to disengage himself from her still shuddering body. They stayed that way until their pulses had almost settled back to normal. Zack rose and gently picked Tori up in his arms, pushed back the mosquito netting, and deposited her on the bed. He joined her, and pulling the quilt over them both, gathered her securely into his arms, whispering love words in her ear until they both slept.
* * * *
Tori awoke first. She found herself so firmly clasped in Zack’s arms that she couldn’t roll over. It was a warm, sensuous feeling. She loved it. She loved Zack. That is unbelievable. I certainly knew this was more than just great sex, but how did I fall in love so quickly? When did I have the time? She blushed at the thought of her uninhibited response to the afternoon’s encounter. She had certainly never experienced anything so intense or so sensual during her marriage of several years. She really hadn’t known she had it in her. What a surprise! Alberto had intimated that she was cold. It was one of the many excuses for his infidelity. Well, apparently the fault had not been hers.
Her thoughts had made her restless, and as she wrestled with herself, Zack awoke. She smiled in anticipation as he rolled her onto her back, and with a low growl of desire, he took one puckered nipple into his hot mouth while he rolled the other between his talented fingers. The deep timbre of his voice as he whispered his intentions into her ear rolled through her nervous system like thunder. He gathered both her wrists into one hand over her head and spread her eager thighs with the other. Moisture gathered between her thighs again as he rubbed his engorged cock against her pulsing clit. With no warning, he sheathed his rock-hard shaft in her hot, welcoming pussy and began to stroke her toward another shattering climax. She was amazed by her response as he took her eager body over the brink of oblivion again. Totally exhausted, they both slept the rest of the afternoon away.
The sun was setting as Tori sprinkled kisses on Zack’s eyelids and firm, molded mouth until he was awake. “We have to bathe and get dressed for the opera.”
“The only way you’ll get me out of this bed is if you let me shower with you.”
“I don’t have a shower, but if you promise to behave, I’ll let you take a bath with me.”
“Why do I have to behave?” He growled low in his throat as they wrestled playfully. He bit her neck and blew in her ear until she was quaking with laughter.
“You know I’m ticklish,” she protested, breathless.
“Yeah, it’s great. I have you at my mercy.”
“Let’s go, or we’ll never have dinner and get to the theater by curtain time.” She giggled, trying to be the voice of reason. “Unless you want to….uh….get a late dinner after the performance?” Tori blushed. When had she gotten so brazen? “Anyway, we have to be at the theater by eight thirty.” Before she knew it she was back flat on her back with her legs wrapped around his waist as he vigorously pumped his cock into the slick folds of her pussy. Her tender and achy nipples rubbed against the soft hair on his chest, and the friction both above and below was delicious. Electricity tingled to the tips of her toes and up her spine as he took her over the top again. It had been quick, but immensely satisfying—hard and fast, and she loved it.
* * * *
Zack was reclining against a pile of feminine, lace-edged pillows and he felt totally out of place. “La Traviata, huh? You’re really going to make me do this, aren’t you?” I hope we don’t run into anyone who knows me—that could really
get sticky.
“You bet, big guy! If we weren’t meeting people there, I’d be tempted to pass on it myself.”
Tori’s huge white bathroom had been converted from an adjoining bedroom several years previously. She had been faithful to the style and mood of the house, and the bathroom was a study in nineteenth century elegance. The large, white, claw-footed porcelain tub was the centerpiece of the room. Hand painted with delicate flowers and vines, it was surrounded by an embroidered shower curtain that puddled on the floor. The pedestal wash stand and other fixtures were similarly adorned. The room was large enough to include walk-in closets, a dressing area with a wicker vanity table, wicker chaise, and several bushy ferns, as well as built-in cabinets that held a small flat-screened television, towels and toiletries.
Tori filled the tub with frangipani bubble bath and stepped in. She glanced at Zack over her shoulder and with an enticing smile on her face, she held out her hand in invitation. The view of that heart-shaped ass had him getting hard again. Settle down, man. We have all weekend. He joined her in the hot, fragrant water, and they both sank down into the frothy bubbles. After much splashing and back scrubbing, they emerged slightly wrinkled and laughing.
The seclusion of the property was welcome as Zack, freshly shaved and wrapped only in a towel, descended the stairs and brought up his bags. Tori was ensconced in the bathroom doing all those enticing “girl” things, so he dressed in the bedroom.
When Tori emerged from the bathroom, Zack was blown away. She wore a long, white halter dress that was high necked in the front but completely backless. It skimmed her lush body and highlighted her voluptuous curves with the sheen of silk. Although not overtly suggestive, it was classy and sexy as hell. Her jewelry was simple… simply diamond studs at her ears and an antique diamond bracelet on her wrist. She had swept her hair up off her neck into a tumble of honey-blonde curls that cascaded down her bare back.
* * * *
Tori, too, was spellbound by the sight that greeted her. Zack was resplendent in a formal pleated white shirt, bow tie, and black Armani tuxedo that hugged his broad shoulders and emphasized his long legs. A black silk cummerbund surrounded his trim middle. Tori laughed with delight when she noticed that instead of the usual patent leather gentleman’s evening shoes, he wore a pair of highly polished, black alligator cowboy boots. He was so sexy she could hardly restrain herself. This is going to be a long evening.
They had dinner at Joe’s Stone Crabs on Miami Beach. They were ushered to a table immediately amid a big welcome. Zack must have called for reservations while she was dressing. Even so, getting a table at the last minute was a feat. It was an established fact that getting a table at Joe’s during the high season required reservations well in advance. To be catered to by the august personages that ruled that domain was truly impressive. Big bucks must have changed hands at the beginning of the season, to be sure, as Zack did not tip the maître d’ upon arriving, the standard modus operandi for table acquisition.
The service was fast and impeccable, and it seemed they were in and out in a flash. After a wonderful dinner of the best stone crabs in the world, served cold and dipped in mustard sauce, they drove back downtown, making good time to the Gusman Center.
* * * *
Zack reluctantly allowed the valet to park the Ferrari in an adjacent public parking garage, although the act of giving up his keys to the valet made Zack a little nauseous. Get over it. Once they start singing, you’ll really feel sick. Geez, this must be true love. Why else would I put myself through all of this? He grimaced to himself. This was only the beginning. Zack was taken aback as he realized for the first time that it was indeed love that he was feeling. He loved her, he thought, as the enormity of the situation hit him right between the eyes like a punch from a heavyweight contender.
Once inside, they joined the pre-performance crowd in the lobby. “Would you like a drink?” Zack inquired politely, still reeling from his self-revelation.
“Maybe at intermission. We have to come out to ‘see and be seen’ anyway,” Tori replied. “I love the opera, but this part is strictly public relations. One of our major banking clients is a sponsor. There they are,” she said as she waved to a distinguished gentleman squiring a striking older woman.
They were joined by the older couple, and Tori made introductions. John Samuelson was a Senior Vice President of a national banking institution for which Tori’s firm handled commercial litigation matters. His wife, Rhonda, had been a beauty queen in her younger days. She had attempted to introduce Tori to eligible men from time to time, but nothing had ever developed.
“Your mother and I are old friends, young man, and I have been hearing about your exploits for years. Alicia is a charming woman and a tireless worker for every good cause,” Rhonda stated with a smile. “We’ve co-chaired charity balls and other functions for the Cancer Society and several other charities.”
Zack gulped back a nervous laugh and said, “Mom’s a dynamo all right.” My worst fear has come true. What damn exploits? “Perhaps we should be seated. It’s almost curtain time.”
Zack saw Mr. and Mrs. Samuelson exchange questioning glances as they followed Tori and Zack to their seats. It was apparent that they were very fond of Tori and were extremely interested in this latest development. He knew he could expect a call from his mother as soon as Rhonda Samuelson was able to get her on the phone. His mother would want all the details, and he wasn’t sure what he was going to tell her. These feelings were much too new to be explained easily.
The performance was more enjoyable than Zack had expected, and at intermission they made their way to the lobby with the Samuelsons to mingle. While Zack and John wrestled their way toward the bar, Rhonda Samuelson zeroed in on Tori with relish.
* * * *
Tori and Rhonda chatted while they waited for Zack and John to return with the drinks. “Well, my dear, your young man is certainly handsome,” Rhonda said with a raised eyebrow and a twinkle in her eye. “His mother is an old friend of mine. She was so proud of him when he was at Annapolis, but I know how she suffered when he was in the service. Zack is a decorated fighter pilot. Afghanistan you know. Very dangerous work.”
This was news to Tori. “He certainly is terrific, Rhonda, and we have so much in common.”
Rhonda smiled a knowing smile as Tori blushed. “Not you, too! The way everyone is reacting to this, I must have been living the life of a hermit.”
“Oh, Tori, we’re all just happy for you, dear. You’ve been working too hard. Take time to enjoy life—smell the roses as they say.”
“Oh… I have been,” she said with a secret smile. Two dozen of them.
“This is some hard-earned champagne,” Zack announced, handing Tori her glass as he and John rejoined the ladies. As they were toasting the evening, they were joined by Robert Barlowe and his date—another one of an endless parade of dubious Barlowe blondes. When will he learn? Tori smiled to herself in amusement.
“Robert and Veronica, you met John and Rhonda Samuelson at the firm Christmas party in the sky lobby.” Then Tori turned to Zack and said, “Zack, I’d like you to meet my partner, Robert Barlowe, and his date, Veronica Stephens. Robert and Veronica, Zack Talbot.”
“Pleased to meet you. Tori has mentioned your name several times,” Zack responded.
“Not in vain, I hope,” Robert quipped.
The intermission passed in surprisingly pleasant conversation. Veronica was really quite bright and likeable, unlike some of Robert’s other companions. As they were preparing to return to their seats, Robert said to Zack, “Why don’t you two join us tomorrow afternoon for a cruise up the Intracoastal and dinner someplace on the water.”
Zack looked at Tori for her opinion of the plan, and after intercepting her slight nod of acquiescence, Zack accepted on their behalf. Arrangements were made to meet at Robert’s forty-five-foot cabin cruiser, The Miami Lady, docked at the Dinner Key Marina at three o’clock Sunday afternoon.
* * *
The rest of the performance seemed to drag on interminably as Zack privately anticipating the end of the evening. As Zack handed Tori into the low-slung Ferrari, he was anxious to be homeward bound. Zack was relieved that apparently no beans had been spilled during the evening. There was no telling how much his mother had told Rhonda Samuelson about his business exploits. Zack was just glad to have Tori to himself again.
Tori hummed an aria from the first act while Zack concentrated on negotiating the maze of one-way streets out of downtown Miami. The route was complicated by a closed bridge and road construction. Soon, however, they were parking under Tori’s portico. Zack turned to her, and she came into his arms with a little sigh of homecoming.
Chapter Seventeen
Zack awoke to the sound of birds singing on the patio below and the soft stirring of the breeze through the white muslin mosquito netting around Tori’s antique bed. They had left the French doors to the balcony open the night before, and the scent of the fresh air was delicious. He stretched luxuriously, reveling in the wonderful feeling of waking with Tori snuggled close to his side. Damn. This is dangerous. I could get used to this.
Zack rolled over, careful not to wake Tori, but as he placed a featherlight kiss on her temple, she sleepily opened her eyes.
“I was just thinking about putting on the coffee,” he whispered in her ear. “Don’t get up yet. I’ll bring you breakfast in bed.”
“That sounds wonderful,” she murmured as she rolled over and pulled the quilt over her head. He could see that Tori was really not a morning person, and the luxury of sleeping in was more than she could resist.