The Appearance of Impropriety [The Horsemen] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 10
Zack slipped on a short terry robe, and as he made his way down the curved staircase and into the old-fashioned kitchen he glanced with interest into the various rooms he passed. The old house was huge. The rooms were large, and the ceilings were high. It had obviously been designed for the days before air conditioning. Oriental rugs and antique furniture abounded. The room next to Tori’s bedroom appeared to be her home office judging by the state-of-the-art computer system, laser printer, scanner, and fax machine on the desk next to the balcony doors. The next door opened on a sewing room where an antique Singer sewing machine held the place of honor. The floor was scattered with bright scraps of fabric and pieces of thread. The sun was shining in on a quilting frame with a partially completed red and white quilt in a hoop. The nesting instinct seemed to be alive and well in this woman, cozied right up next to her professional instincts.
In the kitchen, Zack rummaged around until he had the coffee ready and toasted bagels with marmalade on a bamboo tray with the Sunday Herald tucked neatly into the side compartment. He made his way back to Tori’s bedroom and quietly entered. She was still sleeping although the quilt no longer covered her head.
“Wake up, princess. Breakfast is served.”
Tori smiled a sleepy smile and made a gallant effort to open her eyes. “Zack, you’re so sweet. Thank you. This is such a treat.”
“My pleasure,” he said as he handed her coffee in a flowered Limoges china cup so fine he could see his fingers through it. “I have to be honest. Handling this china makes me a little nervous. Don’t you have any good old-fashioned coffee mugs?” he asked as he slipped off his robe and climbed back into the bed.
“Nope! I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by beautiful things, and I make an effort to enjoy them every day. These are part of a service for forty that was given to my great-great-grandparents as a wedding gift by Henry Flagler. Of course, over the years there has been some attrition, but I could probably still serve dinner to about two dozen on it. It certainly didn’t hurt old Tobias’s prospects when he married a Flagler cousin.”
“Very interesting family. Of course, I find you particularly fascinating. You admit to not being able to cook but insist on using antique china. Your computer is set up right next door to your sewing machine. Your chosen career is high powered and modern, but your style of riding is as tradition-bound as anything I’ve ever seen. You certainly are a study of contrasts.”
“I guess that comes from being raised by Gram. She was not one but two generations removed, and I think that rubbed off on me. Oh, I see you got the paper. Did it make it anywhere near the front door? That paper boy has a noodle arm. Let me have the entertainment and society sections. You can have sports.”
“That’s very generous of you, my lady. May I also peruse the news of the day?”
“Oh hush. This coffee is terrific. Mine is never the same twice. Either it’s too strong or it looks like tea.”
“Practice makes perfect. Next time it’s your turn,” he said as he opened the paper and began to read.
They sipped coffee and munched on bagels as they sat quietly paging through the paper. Tori peeked at Zack from under the cover of her long, gold-tipped eyelashes. “You’re even sexier in the morning with that dark beard on your face—and dangerous-looking. Hey!” she exclaimed excitedly. “We’re on the society page. I didn’t notice anyone taking our pictures last night.”
Zack’s heart hit the pit of his stomach. This is not good. As things stood, he would rather not be seen in the pages of the local papers squiring opposing counsel around town. Oh, well. Maybe no one will see it. Anyway, it’s too late to worry about it now.
“Let me see. Not bad. You look great. ‘Miami attorney, Victoria Rose Aldrich de Alvarez and Palm Beach businessman and polo impresario, Carson Zachary Talbot, at last night’s performance of La Traviata at the Gusman Center.’”
“Carson?” She smiled with a glint of mischief in her eye. “Why have I not heard that before?”
“It’s an unsubstantiated rumor that I am a direct decedent of Kit Carson. What businessman is going to broadcast that?”
“Oh, I get it. CZT Enterprises. I didn’t think about it before. I like it.”
“Just as long as you know that I don’t answer to anything but Zack….unless, of course, there’s food or something equally important involved,” he said with a smirk. I’d better think of something good to get out of that damn boat trip. God only knows who saw that picture and what they might put together…especially Robert who is obviously not too slow on the uptake. “Tori, would you mind if we skipped the trip to Fort Lauderdale with Robert? I’d really rather not waste an afternoon with your partner when I can have you all to myself.”
“That’s fine with me. I’ll call Robert and tell him something came up.”
Zack’s grin was devilish. “Just don’t tell him exactly what it was that ‘came up,’” he said as he pulled her to him for a rough, smacking kiss, his beard rasping against the tender skin of her cheek.
Tori giggled. “It’s a deal. What would you like to do instead?”
“Why don’t we just hang out? We can sit out by the pool, and later we can drive out to Key Biscayne for dinner and a walk on the beach or something.”
“Okay. I’ll call Robert. Why don’t you go down and lay by the pool. I’ll be right out.”
“Don’t be too long,” he said, his smoldering gaze sending a clear message.
Chapter Eighteen
Zack was stretched out on a chaise lounge when Tori pulled its twin around to face the sun and made herself comfortable. “Robert sends his regrets. I could hear the smirk in his voice long distance.”
“He got the picture, did he?”
“Oh, yes. There’s nothing slow about our boy, Robert.”
I’ll bet. Another close call. This is getting entirely too hairy. “Would you like some sunscreen? I’d love to do your back…or your front.”
“Behave. You’re as horny as a mountain goat. How about a swim?”
“Is that still ice water in there?”
“Yes….but I think it will do you some good.”
“You are a cruel woman. Care to join me?” he said as he stood up. Before Tori could reply, he pulled her up off the lounge, lifted her giggling into his arms, and held her tightly to his chest as he quickly walked down the steps into the pool where he unceremoniously dropped her with a splash. She sputtered to the surface with a fighting look in her eye, wet strands of hair streaming around her face. Determined to get even, she gave chase. Zack, as supple and powerful as a seal, slipped away, and in a strong Australian crawl, he headed for the deep cove and waterfall at the other end of the irregularly shaped pool.
“Bad move, buddy. Now I have you trapped.”
“Not a chance,” he returned as he submerged and swam underwater toward the other end again. As he passed, he grabbed Tori’s waist and pulled her under. This time he held her struggling, slippery body as he pulled the bow securing her bikini top, and when he had taken the prize, let her bob to the surface.
“That was not fair…”
“All’s fair in love and war…”
“Is this love or war?” she asked with a grin.
“I’m sure it’s going to be a little of both before all is said and done,” he said, his voice subdued. “But that’s another story, wench!” Zack felt his expression lighten, and he pulled Tori against the iron muscles of his chest.
His hard chest rubbed against her chilled nipples as he crushed her mouth in a breath-stealing kiss. Zack ran his hands down her sides until his fingers slid beneath the elastic of her bikini bottom, and in a flash he had taken that prize as well. He tossed both top and bottom onto the patio.
“Now you,” she whispered as her hands caressed his washboard abs, and she quickly divested Zack of the skimpy black bikini that rode low on his hips. Tori rubbed herself against him urgently as she wrapped her legs around his waist. “I can’t wait, Zack.”
Zack cupped his hands bene
ath her bottom and made his way to a secluded corner of the pool where the fronds of a low-growing palm hung over the water. Dappled sunlight made shifting patterns on their skin as he backed up to the side of the pool for balance. He buried his face in the soft mounds of Tori’s ample breasts, breathing in the intoxicating scent of sunlight, water, and woman. He eagerly engulfed the cold, engorged tip of one breast in his hot mouth. He pulled and worried the aching nipple until she cried out, and then he gave his loving attention to the other.
Zack lifted her body away from him for a moment, and her bereft expression tore at his heart as he lowered her slowly onto his straining cock.
* * * *
Tori writhed against him in a frenzy of desire. She was wild for the touch of his velvet-sheathed steel cock against her pulsing pussy. She needed his heat. Tori bent her head to his chest and tentatively circled her warm pink tongue around the flat male nipples hidden in the curly black hair. Zack, groaning with the pleasure of it, threw his head back with a roar. Tori licked the droplets of water from the corded column of his neck and kissed his throat from the base to the chiseled angle of his strong jaw. As he buried himself in her slick pussy, the contrast of the cool breeze on her wet skin and the torrid heat of their joining was exquisite.
Tori began to rock her body urgently against his hips as the water supported her weight. She had to force herself to slow her movements until she gained control and established a rhythm. Tori was surprised when Zack refrained from plunging into the maelstrom and allowed her to control the pace.
Finally, Tori could hold back no longer. She plunged wildly until the uninhibited feelings flowed through her, and a shower of sparks lit the darkness behind her closed eyelids. Zack followed her into the abyss of pleasure with a shout of joy.
* * * *
As they slowly resurfaced from the pool of pleasure, Zack held Tori to his chest tenderly, infusing her with his warmth. He waded to the shallow end of the pool and slowly mounted the steps so as not to dislodge Tori from her precarious position. Finally, he laid her gently on the sun-warmed towel covering the chaise lounge and briskly rubbed her dry until her cold skin was pink and glowing. He then dried himself and joined her on the lounge to let the sun bake the chill from their bones.
“Zack, it just keeps getting better. These feelings are all so new to me.”
“They’re new to me, too, Tori. I think we’ve stumbled onto something wonderful. Let’s hang in there no matter what happens and see where it goes.” I just hope it’s not straight to hell.
The sun was warm on Zack’s back as he stretched like a contented lion. It wasn’t yet eleven o’clock, and the day beckoned. “Would you like to take a drive up to Wellington to check in on Rocky and Rosebud? You haven’t seen them all week. You must be getting anxious.”
“Oh, would you mind? That would be terrific. Are you sure you don’t mind driving all that distance and back again, only to go home again tomorrow morning?”
“No problem. I have a business meeting in town in the morning, and I can just take it easy going home after that.”
Chapter Nineteen
The black Ferrari ate up the miles as Zack headed the sleek machine north on the Turnpike toward Palm Beach. The route was familiar, and the car practically drove itself as Zack and Tori relaxed, her hand caressing his while his hands firmly gripped the stick shift and steering wheel.
She definitely had an unfair advantage, he thought, as he admired her long legs encased in tall black boots and riding breeches with a loose white shirt tucked into the trim waist. Her honey-blonde hair was neatly confined to a French braid, and her complexion was a flattering pink, a combination of sun and healthy exercise. It was Zack’s favorite form of exercise.
“I can’t wait to see the guys. You can’t imagine how much I miss them…but I know they get much more attention at my trainer’s barn than I could give them down here during the week.”
“What’s the plan?”
“I spoke to John, and he’s going to be able to squeeze in a lesson for me this afternoon. We’re going to work on refining my new freestyle routine. It still needs work. Last week was the first time I’d ridden it in competition.”
“I thought it was terrific.”
“Well the judges are more impartial than you are. They only thought it rated a third place and a score of sixty-three, so it still needs work. Our timing was just a little off. It will be great with a little fine tuning.”
“I think Rocky needs an oil change. He’s a quart low. Do they have any mechanics in Wellington who fine tune Warmbloods?” he asked with an irreverent grin.
“Of course. You’re about to meet one,” she returned. “John was one of the trainers who coached our team at the 2012 Olympics in London. He’s terrific. And Rocky likes him.”
“He would. This guy isn’t my competition, is he?” Zack asked. He was feeling a little ambivalent about this excursion at this point.
“Don’t be silly.” Tori ran her fingers through the short black hair streaked with a few silver strands at his temple and smiled.
Zack noticed she hadn’t exactly issued a categorical denial. He was wondering… He couldn’t be jealous. Not of some guy he hadn’t even met yet. This is getting absurd. I’ve got to get a handle on this situation.
Zack pulled off the Turnpike, and soon they found themselves in the acreage section of Wellington, pulling into the long drive of an impressive country French-style house which was set fairly close to the road. There were matching stables situated behind the house as well as fenced longe and jumping rings and a regulation dressage arena. White-fenced, grass paddocks filled the remainder of the ten-acre property. Zack had to admit it was a pretty impressive setup.
Zack parked the Ferrari in front of the barn and hopped out to open the door for Tori. As she turned in the seat and stretched her long, boot-clad legs out the side of the low car, Zack caught his breath. She was endlessly exciting, without guile, and so sexy she took his breath away. As she was standing up, they were approached by one of the handsomest men Zack had ever seen. He brushed past Zack and pulled Tori into a crushing hug. “Hello, darling! It’s been ages. We have all missed you so much!”
Zack was beginning to bristle already. He could see he was not going to like this guy. Don’t go getting territorial, he warned himself, but the little green monster named Jealousy was poking at him. They’re just friends.
“John, I’d like you to meet my friend, Zack Talbot. Zack, John Damien, my trainer.” They shook hands warily, each looking the other over with a jaundiced eye. “Zack was a tremendous help to me at the show last week. I couldn’t have done it without him. How was the wedding, by the way?”
“The wedding was fine. You know Trevor and Jamie—a little over the top.”
Zack noticed the other man was tall, well-built, and had wavy, slightly long, auburn hair brushed carelessly back from his face. He was wearing riding breeches and tall field boots with a yellow dress shirt. He had an elegant air about him, and Zack was again feeling the pinch of jealousy. Well, at least he’s wearing a wedding ring.
“Pleased to meet you, I’m sure,” John responded, and immediately turned back to Tori, excluding Zack from the conversation. “I’ve had one of the girls saddle Rocky. He’s ready and waiting in the cross-ties.”
“Thanks, John. That will save time. I can’t wait to see him. Are you ready for my lesson now?”
“I’ll meet you in the arena. Your CD is already in the sound system. Warm up and I’ll be right out.”
* * * *
Tori rushed to the barn, anxious to greet Rocky and Rosebud. Zack trailed along behind, his hands jammed into the pockets of his tan dockers. The sky-blue color of the polo shirt he wore matched his eyes, and the tight fit emphasized his impressive biceps. Before they had rounded the corner into the barn, Rocky heard Tori’s voice and began to nicker and paw the ground. Rosebud, not to be outdone, scampered out of their stall where he had apparently been napping by the look of the w
ood shavings stuck to his glossy coat. He greeted Tori with an exuberant dance of welcome around her legs—exactly like an excited dog.
Tori was torn between patting Rocky and scratching Rosebud and ended up doing both simultaneously. It was a little awkward but very satisfying for all parties concerned. As Zack walked up, Rocky gave him a disdainful glare and nudged him hard in the chest with his muzzle, and Rosebud scampered over to butt his head into the back of Zack’s knees, pushing him off balance. “Geez, he thinks he’s Rocky Balboa for heaven’s sake. And the bantam weight here packs a punch, too.” Rocky-5, Zack-2. “I told you I’d get the blame for leaving them here. Now, they’re both mad at me.” Zack groused.
Tori just laughed, the joy of the reunion apparent on her face. The greetings accomplished, Tori smiled at Zack and requested a leg up.
* * * *
They were walking out to the arena when Zack just had to ask, “So what’s this guy’s story?”
“What do you mean ‘what’s his story’? He’s my trainer. There is no ‘story.’”
That remains to be seen. He’s a guy with a story if I ever saw one.
Tori entered the arena and began her regular warm-up routine of circles and serpentines, stretching Rocky into the walk, trot, and canter. As they relaxed together and loosened up, Zack could see the emerging brilliance of the pair. They were stunning together. When their warm-up was complete, John stood beside Zack at the rail and began giving Tori instructions. She followed them exactly and began a routine of more advanced movements for which the warm-up had prepared Rocky. They did leg yields, shoulder-ins, haunches-in, half-passes, flying lead changes, and upward and downward transitions between all the gaits, both working and collected.
“I think you’re ready to do a run through of the new freestyle,” John instructed. “Just let me see the whole ride from start to finish, and then we’ll see where it needs to be polished.”