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Violette's Vibrato [Golden Dolphin 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online

Page 4

  The holiday mood was contagious, and everyone was excited. The crew was on special alert since the ship’s owner, the infamous Jamie Devereau, and his wife, Anne Sutton, would be aboard for this trip. Everything had to run like clockwork. The sisters had had a little meeting of the minds about what Baylee had and had not told Barbee about Alex Dragados and their mutual first scenes. Baylee had just explained that she had wanted Barbee to have the experience for herself, free of Baylee’s impressions. That explanation hadn’t really held water, but they had laughed over their mutual hot bottoms and the hearts on Barbee’s butt.

  * * * *

  Nik Rossiter and Violette O’Reilly who had been among the first passengers to board in New York were delighted with the luxurious ship and their beautiful suite, and now they took some time to just stretch out and relax in the Miami sunshine on their private deck as they waited for the other passengers to board. Their suite was large and opulent in the extreme. The rich blue-and-gold color scheme was restful, and the luxurious bathroom with the waterfall steam shower and Jacuzzi tub had been a blast to share on the trip down the Eastern coast. The weather had been cold and the seas had been rough. Their steward, a cute little blonde, whose name tag said “Baylee,” encouraged them to go up to the top deck to meet the other passengers and enjoy the luncheon buffet that the chef had prepared for the first official afternoon of the cruise. Baylee reminded them to put on their navy-blue rubber bracelets with their personal identification and GPS chips in preparation for the lifeboat and safety drill to be conducted on deck by the security officer, Greg Dempsey, and his sub and assistant, Natasha Romanova.

  “From now on you’ll need them to get on and off the ship. It’s just a good idea to wear them all the time. That way the security team will always know where you are, in case you get into trouble of any kind.”

  “On a ship like this?” Nik was amazed at the security precautions and more than a little grateful for them.

  “Oh, you’d be surprised. I’m new on board, but I heard that on the first cruise a passenger was kidnapped from a street market in Santarém, Brazil, and the security team was able to rescue her before she got hurt because of the blue bracelet.”

  The ship would not be leaving the Port of Miami until four thirty that afternoon. The balmy weather and sunset would be enjoyed over cocktails and hors d’oeuvres followed by dinner on deck as they traveled down the peninsula past the Florida Keys, through the Florida Straits, and into the Caribbean Sea. The ship would be at sea for extended periods of time with the first port of call being San Juan, Puerto Rico. They would call in at only two ports for refueling and to give the passengers a break on the outward passage since they wanted to arrive in Rio de Janeiro in time to enjoy the Carnaval festivities.

  Nik was looking forward to kidnapping Violette to several of the theme rooms. They had never really indulged in role-playing at Le Club Eastside, and he thought it might be fun to try out some of the different scenarios and costumes that were available. Since Violette still had to be careful of her injury, the idea of hanging her from the ceiling probably wouldn’t fly, at least not right away. Maybe on the trip back…one could always hope. In the meantime, he could think of several things he could do that would not put a strain on her injured wrist.

  “This is really gorgeous, Nikki. I’m so glad you talked me into coming on this trip. I think we are going to have a fabulous time. Want to go up on deck for lunch?”

  “Good idea. I want to say hello to Jamie and Anne and see who else is aboard.” Nik had known Jamie Devereau for years through Le Club and several mutual business dealings and was looking forward to spending some time with him and his new wife.

  When they reached the upper deck, the other passengers were gathered around the buffet filling their plates. Nik and Jamie greeted each other with handshakes and back pounding and introduced the ladies. Anne was curious about the bandage that Violette was still wearing. It was more for support and protection and to remind herself to be careful than actual need at this point.

  “I had an accident and fell in the subway a few weeks ago. It’s just a hairline fracture that is almost healed now. I’ve started therapy, and I am about to start practicing again.”

  Anne was horrified. “Oh, that’s terrible, but I’m glad you’re on the mend. I am looking forward to hearing you play again. We saw you at Lincoln Center last year.”

  “We’ll see how everyone feels about that when I start with scales!” She laughed and then smiled up at Nik. “Poor Nik has listened to his fair share of scales over the last three years.”

  Nik made sure that Violette didn’t see the look on his face when she was telling her story. He was not at all convinced that the fall had been an accident, and it showed in his angry expression. Jamie gave him a look that said they would talk about this later. Nik just gave him a slight nod before he sat down in one of the deck chairs. Violette sat down beside him.

  They were joined on deck by the honeymooners, Morgan Court and Harper Cameron Court. Morgan and Jamie were also old friends. Before long the three women were chatting away as though they had all known each other for years as well.

  “I can’t wait to get to Rio. I’ve seen so many pictures of Carnaval and can’t wait to experience it for myself.” Anne Sutton was still standing beside the table when Jamie smacked her butt and pulled her unceremoniously down into his lap.

  “My cougar wife wants to see all those hot Brazilian guys.”

  “The husband I snatched out of the cradle never lets me forget I’m a few years older than he is.” Anne grinned down at him, and the love they shared could be clearly seen on their faces. They had everyone laughing, and any ice there had been was completely broken.

  * * * *

  While she was unpacking the baggage in the master suite, Baylee Baxter was taking an admiring look at some of the jewelry owned by Anne Sutton. She had already checked out the goods in the Court and Rossiter suites. It had all been secured in the safes located in each of the walk-in closets. A little thing like a standard commercial safe was not going to slow down one of the Baxter sisters. She grinned. During their high school years, they had been known as the “Kick Butt Sisters.” Her mouth began to water when she carefully handled the gorgeous pieces, some of which she was sure would soon belong to her and Barbee. They would have to be careful and very selective in their choices. Hopefully, Barbee could liberate a couple of pieces before it was noticed that any were gone. Baylee’s luggage and handbag were carefully constructed with thin, lead-shielded hidden compartments that contained Barbee’s passport and emergency funds as well as alternate identities for each of them. That was where they planned to stash the stolen jewelry until it could be moved off the ship and fenced or put in a safe deposit box in the Caymans or one of the other islands for later disposal.

  * * * *

  While the ladies were relaxing with after-dinner drinks on deck, Nik and Jamie Devereau took the opportunity to smoke cigars on the aft deck. They were joined by Morgan Court.

  “What’s this about Violette falling in the subway? I saw the look on your face, and it didn’t look like you buy the ‘accident’ theory.”

  “I don’t buy it. Not at all. Violette is sure no one would want to hurt her on purpose, but I have some other ideas about that.” Nik told them about the security video from the subway station and the hood who had jumped the turnstile.

  “That doesn’t seem random. Do you have anyone looking into it? I have an excellent security team at Court Industries if you need a hand with that.”

  “Thanks, but Rossiter Construction has a top-notch security team as well. In the construction industry, you occasionally have problems with the unions or the mob. You do what you have to do to protect a site. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Jimmy Hoffa is wearing a cement overcoat under the foundation of Rossiter House. My grandfather was a piece of work. In any event, my team is checking it out. There was no way to identify the thug who pushed Violette. His face was shielded b
y his hoodie, and he left the station on a train immediately after the incident. He was very careful.”

  “You said you have some ideas?” Jamie looked interested.

  “Violette is the first violinist with the New York Philharmonic. The second violinist, in effect her understudy, is a Russian woman named Katya Kosakova. They appear to be good friends, but I get some jealousy vibes from Katya—a look in her eye sometimes when she thinks no one is looking. Nothing overt. It’s really just a feeling I get that she would like to step into Vi’s shoes. Actually, this accident has made that possible. While Violette is recovering, Katya has temporarily stepped up to first violin.”

  “I’d definitely look into that.”

  “My team has her under surveillance. I’m expecting a report any day now.”

  * * * *

  Katya Kosakova, temporary first violinist of the New York Philharmonic, stroked her small hand down her boyfriend’s chest and abdomen over the scary-looking tattoos she didn’t understand. They were colorful and sexy, but she found them disturbing. She clutched his hard cock and gave it a squeeze. They were in the bed in his Brighton Beach apartment. Andrei Sokolov groaned. “Andrei, thank you for make my dream to be first violinist of New York Philharmonic come true. Since I was little girl in Moscow, I dream of being first violinist. Then I dream it would be Moscow Symphony Orchestra, but this is even better. I just wish it could be permanent. I know when Violette comes back to city I will have to return to second violin. Will break my heart, Andrei.”

  Andrei continued to groan as she wrapped her soft lips around his cock. She knew he would do anything for her. She didn’t even have to ask.

  Chapter Four

  After dinner, Violette and Nik returned to their suite on the starboard side of the fourth deck. They took brandies in heavy carved crystal snifters out on the private deck off of their suite and relaxed in the huge double chaise. The display of stars overhead was stunning, and the balmy breeze as the ship headed farther south was delicious. They appreciated the warmth even more when they remembered it was February in New York and, as Nik liked to say, “colder than a witch’s tit” as the icy wind howled through the canyons between the tall buildings. They were barely able to see lights on shore. They had both finally started to relax now that the cruise was actually underway.

  Nik turned to Violette and grinned. “Why don’t we get this trip started with a bang?”

  “You’re incorrigible.” She giggled and turned into him. She kissed him lightly before she coasted her mouth down his corded throat, deftly unbuttoning the silk shirt that covered his impressive chest with one hand as she moved lower over his ripped abs.

  “I know, but I’m so much fun.” She gently bit and licked the flat, masculine nipples that adorned his muscular chest. He kept it waxed smooth for her, although she loved the thin line of dark hair that arrowed down to his rock-hard cock. They jokingly called it his “happy trail.”

  Violette loved his body. He was hard and gorgeous every-fucking-where, and she gloried in worshipping his stunning physique. She didn’t know how he maintained his gorgeous body since he didn’t spend time every day at a gym. Nik was far too busy running his business and overseeing multiple construction sites around the city for that. He just had great genes and needed a minimum of maintenance, she guessed. He did have a private gym in his penthouse apartment, though.

  His handsome face with its high cheekbones and deep-blue eyes didn’t hurt his cause any either, but the love and care he lavished on her was what really set him apart from other men she had known—even if it annoyed her beyond bearing sometimes. She knew everything he did was done with love, and he didn’t have a selfish bone in his body. He wanted only the best for her, including success in her career. He had never tried to stand in her way and had never made unreasonable demands.

  Nik stood up and quickly dropped his trousers. He pulled her dress up and off over her head before he reclined on the chaise again. He lifted her up until she straddled his lap. “Be careful of your wrist, babe. We don’t want to reinjure it at this point.”

  “No. I’m planning to start practicing with Colleen tomorrow morning.” She giggled. “Shall I wake you and the entire ship up to some rousing Irish fiddle music? Say around six thirty or so? Or shall I be kind and keep it classical?”

  “Anything you play will be wonderful. I don’t even care if it’s those damn scales. I am looking forward to having your music in my daily life again. I know how much you have missed it, and so have I. But please, baby, not at six thirty.”

  Violette rose up and sheathed him in her hot, wet center. She settled against him until her warm, wet pussy jacketed his hard cock up to the hilt. She reached down and grasped his balls in her small but incredibly strong hand and gave them a friendly squeeze. “Hi there, boys.” His laugh was low and sexy, and she felt the vibration all the way to her core. When he groaned his appreciation, she began to slowly rock against him, savoring the sensation of his shaft in her inner vault. The friction was delicious as she pleasured herself on his willing body. She knew he’d let her have her way with him until he couldn’t stand it any longer and they both came. Or until his Dom side surfaced and she found herself spread wide open and pinned under him with his hard cock poised at her eager entrance ready to plunder and pillage. Either way, it was a win-win situation.

  Violette pressed her body against his warmth, seeking his heat, as she slowly increased the speed and strength of her strokes. The velvet walls of her vagina clenched around him like a tight fist, and she milked him for all she was worth.

  Finally pleasure battered them both into submission, and she came like a mermaid riding a water spout, the glorious sensations whirling through her body. Nik’s hot eyes devoured her as he followed her over the edge to his own devastating completion, and they were both thrown up on the shore gasping for breath.

  * * * *

  Nik opened his eyes to the strains of music emanating from Colleen in the sitting room of the suite. Violette was cautiously playing scales as she tested the strength and flexibility of her newly healed wrist. He could hear that she was slowly gaining confidence as she began to play with more authority. She stopped and poured herself a cup of coffee from the carafe their steward, Baylee, had delivered to the suite a little after six thirty as promised.

  “That sounds good, babe. How does your wrist feel?”

  “It feels fine so far. I was just about to actually play something.” He leaned back and listened as she played Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy.”

  * * * *

  Violette closed her eyes and let the familiar melody flow from Colleen and filter through her soul. She had been playing this piece of wonderful music since she was a child. The sound soared and blossomed through her talented hands. She thought that part of its appeal was the sad back story. Beethoven had composed the piece near the end of his career when he was already deaf. He had never actually heard the music himself—except in his head. When she had finished the piece, her wrist was beginning to tire. “I think that’s enough for right now. Let’s have breakfast.”

  Baylee had returned to the suite with the breakfast cart in time to hear the last of the piece. She looked to be in awe. “I heard you out in the corridor. That was wonderful.”

  “It’s Colleen. My grandfather said she was blessed by faeries in the Old Country. I have to believe him.”

  “Better not overdo it today, Vi. I have to agree with Baylee though. That was wonderful. It’s always been one of my favorite pieces.”

  Chapter Five

  The Golden Dolphin, Cruising the Caribbean Sea, February 19, 2014 – Thursday Morning, Day Three of the Cruise

  By the third day of the cruise, without the diversion of frequent port calls, the passengers were beginning to get a little bored. A person could only eat, sleep, make love, and talk so much. Since they were intent on getting to Rio in time to enjoy Carnaval, there would be a minimum of stops. An amusement was called for. Jamie Devereau had thought this m
ight be a problem, and he had planned for just such an eventuality. The costume department aboard had been briefed in advance and was prepared.

  Natasha Romanova made the rounds of all the passengers that morning to announce that there would be a costume party on deck that evening. All participants were encouraged to make full use of the ship’s costume department. The theme was to be sultans and slave girls. The final cherry on top of the cake really got the passengers excited. Jamie had arranged for the prizes for the winners of the costume contest to be a box of Cuban cigars for the best sultan, and a pair of diamond earrings for the best slave girl.

  Immediately the ship was buzzing with whispered conversations and consultations between the passengers. All costume ideas were being kept top secret, and the couples rushed back to their suites to make plans and visit the costume department.

  “You’ve really set the fox among the pigeons, or whatever that saying is, this time husband of mine.” Jamie just grinned at her. Jamie knew that Anne Sutton loved her husband’s devious mind as well as his hard cock.

  “Hey! It’s what I do.” Jamie Devereau grinned his wicked grin at her. “Since you and I will be the judges, we’ll get dressed up but won’t compete for the prizes.” At her disappointed look, he smiled and whispered in her ear, “I just might have a prize for you later.” She grinned back at him. He did love to surprise her.

  * * * *