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Violette's Vibrato [Golden Dolphin 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online

Page 3

  The sisters were identical in appearance except for a small scar on the inside of Barbee’s knee that had been acquired in a fall from her first two-wheeler when the girls were seven. Other than that, there was no physical difference between them. Their personalities were quite different however. They were both fairly tall and slim. They had short, highlighted, wavy blonde hair that had been styled to match each other exactly and sparkling blue eyes. They were the same right down to their identical, short pink-and-white manicures. All of their clothes for the trip including their uniforms had been purchased at the same time and were identical.

  “I have to say, sis, that there are some good-looking men on board. This promises to be a blast.” Barbee grinned at her sister. “I’d like a piece of that chief mate, Alex Dragados. He is fine.”

  “Not bad, not bad at all!” Baylee grinned back. “First dibs! That BDSM stuff looks like fun. Never tried that before, but hey, why not?”

  “Yeah, if you have to get your butt spanked so we can score some prime pieces, I have no objection.”

  “Really, sister? We’ll see about whose butt gets spanked.” They both laughed uproariously. This promised to be a hysterical and very profitable vacation for both of them.

  Chapter Two

  Con joined Alex on the bridge as they awaited the boarding of the harbor pilot. They were scheduled to leave the dock at eleven o’clock. It was a wild party, but hopefully the wedding guests would have all debarked by that time. Con liked to keep to a tight schedule, but he and the crew were so happy to participate in the joy of the occasion that none of them minded a slight delay in departure.

  Con had conferred with the chief engineer and other top-level officers, and had confirmed that way points had been input in the navigation computers and had been checked and double-checked. All supplies and equipment had been loaded, and the reverse osmosis or RO units and the generators were online and operating at full capacity. The fresh water tanks were full, the fuel tanks had been topped off, and the ship was ready to dead head to Miami where most of the passengers were scheduled to board the ship for the cruise to Rio de Janeiro. Only Morgan and Harper Court and Nik Rossiter and Violette O’Reilly had boarded early and would be aboard for the first leg of the trip to Miami. Since the Courts were honeymooning, Con didn’t expect to see too much of them, and Rossiter and O’Reilly would probably spend a lot of time enjoying the theme rooms and the dungeon. That left the crew with a lot of free time for the next couple of days.

  “So, what do you think of that new steward, Baylee Baxter?” Alex had a gleam in his eye that told Con what he thought of her.

  “Good-looking, seems to know her job, doesn’t have too much to say so far.” Con grinned. “I take it you’re going to see if you can get her to bottom for you. Good luck with that. I didn’t get the vibe that she’s a trained sub.”

  “I think you’re right, but I could detect a definite glimmer of interest from her. I think I’d like to take a sample from that well.”

  “Go for it. We have two to three days at sea depending on the weather and seas before we pull in to Miami and the rest of the passengers board. Then it’s basically a quick trip south. We want to get everyone to Rio in time to enjoy Carnaval. That will leave a lot of free time for the crew.”

  “I’ve got some ideas on how I’d like to spend some of that free time.”

  * * * *

  On Saturday night, Alex and Baylee had watched from the top deck as the ship departed New York. The air was frigid and the breeze was stiff. He pressed her up against the railing and took her into his arms for a stunning kiss. She sank into the kiss and allowed him to plunder her mouth with his tongue. The chemistry that sparked between them was obvious. He wanted to explore it, but he didn’t want to come on too strong too soon and scare her off. He assumed she was new to BDSM, and it could be intimidating. He turned them both to watch the view as it passed by.

  “Of course, you know that’s the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island to starboard. Then we’ll be passing Battery Park on the port side.”

  “The Statue at night is just gorgeous.”

  They passed the anchored ships that were waiting to come into port for unloading, and then they went under the Verrazano Bridge to the Lower Bay and Sandy Hook on the starboard side. He never tired of the view of the greatest city in the world, and he had been happy to share it with Baylee. When the ship had turned south and headed out to the commercial sea lanes off shore, they had cuddled up under heavy blankets on one of the lounges and watched the stars as the New Jersey coast slipped by. It was romantic, and Alex could feel Baylee’s response to him. It seemed they had a lot to talk about, and conversation was easy. Atlantic City lit the sky with red lights, and they could barely see some of the buildings along what they knew was the Boardwalk.

  “Will you have lunch with me tomorrow? I’d like to spend some time with you.”

  “I’d like that, Alex.” It was getting late. At that point he kissed her again, and they both headed in for the night.

  * * * *

  On Sunday morning, Baylee looked up from her magazine. She and Barbee were stretched out on the three-quarter bed in Baylee’s cabin on the crew deck. The quarters were tight, but neither of them minded that. “I’m going to spend some time with Alex this afternoon. I think we’re going to have lunch on deck since there are only four passengers aboard. They are in two of my cabins, but they haven’t gotten out of bed yet. It will give me a chance to check out some more of the ship and be seen around. Will you be okay? I’ve stockpiled some food for you, and you have your Kindle.”

  Barbee smiled at her sister. “I’ll be fine. You need to up your profile so people will notice your whereabouts if I manage to boost something. The more people who notice where you are and what you’re doing the better. I’m perfectly happy to be the invisible woman for the moment.” She grinned. “Just remember. I get my turn with the delicious Alex. That man is built, and he has a face that could stop a clock.” She laughed. “In a good way, of course.”

  “No problem. You know we share everything.” She laughed. “Although this is the first time we’ve shared a man!”

  * * * *

  On Sunday afternoon, Alex had arranged to have lunch served in a secluded and sheltered corner of the main deck. The wind was cold, and the Atlantic waters had begun a heavy roll during the night but were not yet too rough. The Dolphin cut through the waves like a hot knife through butter. They would be cozy in the corner he had chosen. He wanted to get Baylee Baxter cut out from the herd at the earliest opportunity. He didn’t want to take a chance that she would hook up with one of the other crew members before he made his move. He didn’t know exactly what he found so appealing about her. She was a little thinner than he usually preferred his subs to be, and her blonde hair was gamin short—something else that wasn’t his usual preference. But nonetheless, there was something about her bubbly personality. One minute she was laughing and flirting, and the next time he saw her she was more serious. The contrasts were intriguing to say the least, and their chemistry was undeniable. He always enjoyed training a new sub. The learning process was delicious with many opportunities for the erotic discipline he loved.

  Alex rose and seated Baylee when she appeared next to the table. She smiled up at him as he adjusted her chair, and his stomach gave a lurch. That was something he hadn’t had happen in a while, and it was a surprise. This promised to be a delightful cruise. He had almost a month to enjoy this little beauty, and he intended to make the most of every opportunity that presented itself.

  “I’m glad you could join me for lunch. I hope I’m not interrupting your work schedule.”

  “No, I’m free for a couple of hours.”

  The steward served their lunch, and they chatted comfortably about the coming trip, the passengers that were expected to board in Miami, including the ship’s owner and his wife, and the ports of call they would visit on the way to Rio. She was very interested in the wealthy passengers who
would be making the trip.

  When she had seemed to relax in his company, he thought he might as well just jump right in. Why waste time and a good opportunity? He smiled his open and charming smile, or so he hoped anyway. He knew his looks could be intimidating. Sometimes he thought he looked like a pirate about to ravage a maiden. “So, have you read the Pleasure Club rules? Are you familiar with the wristband system and what goes on aboard this ship in the dungeon and private theme rooms? Do you have any questions you would like answered?”

  “Yes, I have a lot of questions, but I think I would like to have them answered in practice rather than verbally.” She blushed, and he thought it was charming. She was obviously a little anxious. “I guess you can tell I’ve had no experience in this at all, but I do find it intriguing.”

  “I’d be happy to train you as a sub if you want to trust me with your introduction to the Lifestyle. You do understand that anything we do is completely consensual. You can opt out at any time just by using the safe word.”

  “I understand. I read the brochure. Do you mind that I’m new at this?”

  “I think I’m a fairly tolerant and patient Master. I like to introduce new subs to the pleasures of BDSM.”

  “Ummm, could we start after lunch?” She looked embarrassed. “Is that too forward? I’m sorry if it is. I guess I’m just a little keyed up. New situation and all.”

  “We can if you would like that. I’ll reserve a theme room so we’ll have privacy. Will that make you more comfortable?” Alex was delighted by her eagerness, and he wasn’t going to waste a minute.

  “That sounds great.”

  “I’ll go over some of the rules then. You will not speak unless you are asked a direct question, which you will answer immediately. A few other rules. No coming without my express permission. You will not wear panties or a bra when we are together. You can, of course, wear them with your uniform when you are on duty. Any failure to immediately obey my orders will result in a punishment. Any questions? The correct answer would be ‘Yes, Master’ or No, Master.’” He waited for her to respond. When she didn’t answer him immediately, he cocked one of his raven-black eyebrows. “You will answer my inquiries. Your Master needs to know that you understand his orders.”

  “Uh, no, Master.”

  “Good, sub. If you read the material, you know that the ship’s universal safe word is ‘kingfish.’ You will use it if you become frightened or if any pain becomes too much for you to handle. Do not use it indiscriminately as it will call a halt to our activities. If you just need a moment to process, you can say ‘yellow,’ and I will slow down or stop for you to get your bearings. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Say the safe words.”

  “Kingfish and yellow, Master.”

  “Good. Let’s continue. You will also wear your colored rubber bracelets to avoid any misunderstandings. Think about your hard limits, and then choose your bracelets accordingly. I will expect to see the bracelets the next time we are together. The half-inch green bracelet means that you are a sub and are participating in the BDSM activities. You can remove it at any time. Black bracelets indicate a Dom. Red bracelets indicate non-participation. The thinner colored bracelets signify different hard limits. A thin red band means no extreme whipping and a purple one means no extreme bondage.” She looked more than a little nervous so he decided to jump right in. “Let’s go to the pirate captain’s cabin theme room then, sub, and you can see what it’s all about.”

  * * * *

  After her training session in the pirate theme room, Baylee walked back to the cabin she shared with her invisible twin. She was trying to decide just how much to tell Barbee. Undoubtedly she had to teach her the slave position and some of the rules, but she thought Barbee should be able to experience some of the other things for herself. She grinned. Barbee was in for a surprise, not to mention a hot butt.

  While Baylee was distracted, Saltydawg, the ship’s mascot, a mud-brown, bandy-legged English bulldog, slipped into the cabin and jumped up onto the bed with Barbee. He had made friends with the girls and was the only one on the ship who knew there were two of them. Baylee reached down to pat his big head. She had to grin. He looked like Winston Churchill. Thank goodness he wasn’t talking, but the price for his silence was the supply of dog biscuits they kept in the cabin and in their pockets at all times. They were not alone. Everyone on board, right on up to the captain, loved to spoil the portly little dog.

  “Well, how did it go? Was it as much fun as you thought it would be?” Barbee had a curious gleam in her eyes as she unconsciously rubbed Saltydawg’s belly. Obviously she was anxious for her turn with the delicious Alex Dragados. And oh, God, he is more than delicious. He’s delightful, he’s delectable. What are the words to that song?

  “It was everything I thought it would be and more. I’ll teach you the basics so that Alex won’t know you’re not me when you meet him tomorrow. He said something about having dinner together and then having another scene. That’s what it’s called, a ‘scene.’ Kneel on the floor, and I’ll teach you the slave position.”

  When Barbee was in the correct position Baylee said, “Of course, you’ll be naked when you do this.”

  Barbee gasped. “You’re kidding. They just jump right in then.”

  “Absolutely. Some of the other rules are no talking unless asked a direct question. You must answer all direct questions with ‘Yes, Master’ or ‘No, Master,’ and you can’t wear any underwear. Oh, and you can’t come unless he gives you permission first. One more thing, the safe words are ‘kingfish’ to stop and ‘yellow’ to slow down a minute.”

  “Shit, that’s a lot of rules. Is it worth all the trouble?”

  Baylee was really tempted to say no, it wasn’t worth it, and to just keep this glorious secret to herself. But she couldn’t do that to her sister. “Oh, yeah. It’s worth it. I’ve never come like that before—not once but three times.”

  “Three times? Really? That’s extraordinary. I can’t wait until tomorrow.”

  Oh, yeah, Miss Barbee Baxter. You are in for the surprise of your life. Baylee was more than a little jealous that her sister would probably be the first one to actually make love with Alex Dragados. She was more than a little sorry that it wasn’t going to be her for the first time. She could only imagine the sensation of that huge, hard cock slamming into her hot pussy. It would be glorious. And Barbee was going to get there first. Drat.

  * * * *

  Monday evening, Barbee met Alex Dragados in the dining room for dinner. The fact that the ship was out to sea and no land could be seen gave an otherworldly atmosphere to the opulent dining salon. They enjoyed a cocktail on deck, but the cold wind soon drove them back inside. They were seated at an intimate table next to the windows which were dark and reflected their image back to them. They made a handsome couple—the tall blonde and the tall, dark, muscular man in a white uniform. A steward poured their wine and served the delicious steak dinners. The only other people in the dining room were the Courts and Rossiters. They were so wrapped up in their own worlds that Barbee didn’t think they even noticed there were other people in the dining room. She envied them their preoccupation with each other.

  After they had enjoyed dinner and some pleasant conversation, Alex said, “Would you like to continue your sub training?”

  Barbee hesitated. This was it. Could she step into her sister’s panties, or she thought as she grinned to herself, lack of them? She made a quick and final decision. “I’d love to, Master.”

  “I’m glad. I was hoping you would.” He gave her that devastating smile, and she almost melted into a puddle on the spot.

  In her everyday life, when she wasn’t being a jewel thief, she was a stockbroker with a big Wall Street firm, and she was used to the fast-paced ups and downs of life on the financial edge. Baylee had a more sedate, but very successful, regular life as a realtor with a New York real estate firm. Baylee had gotten her Merchant Marine credentials
years ago and was careful to keep them current just in case they needed a quick and anonymous getaway. They both took great care to foster their cover lives, and neither ever advertised that she had a twin. They had to have regular incomes that could explain the opulent lifestyles that were funded by the fenced jewels they stole. They had also already socked away substantial sums offshore toward the eventual retirement or getaway they knew they might need to make at any time. After all, Al Capone had fallen because he didn’t pay his income taxes. That wasn’t going to happen to the Baxter sisters. They would be ready for any eventuality.

  * * * *

  Barbee did not know if she was so blown away by the BDSM experience or by Alex Dragados. On the way back to their cabin, she knew that she was going to have a few things to say to Miss Baylee Baxter. Her beloved twin had not shared everything she knew with her sister. There would be payback—that was for sure. Baylee had glossed over the rules about not coming without permission and the inevitable consequences of doing so. Her bottom was still red, stinging and covered with little hearts from the impact paddle Alex had allied with vigor and probably would still be tomorrow.

  Chapter Three

  The Golden Dolphin, The Port of Miami, Miami, Florida, February 19, 2014 – Thursday Morning, Day One of the Cruise

  The ship had entered the Port of Miami the night before. Rough seas along the Eastern Seaboard had slowed them down by a day. The lights from the land had been bright, and the Port had been lit up like a Christmas tree. The remaining passengers had begun arriving at the dock and boarding the Golden Dolphin that morning in a steady stream. Baylee and Barbee were particularly anxious to start scoping out the jewelry the women would be wearing and, probably more importantly, carrying in their luggage to be worn later.