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  • Gabriella's Prosecution [The Black Iris Club 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 8

Gabriella's Prosecution [The Black Iris Club 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Read online

Page 8

  * * * *

  On Wednesday morning Gabby awoke in a large bedroom overlooking the rain-forested mountains and the ocean in the misty, far distance. The windows were open, and the sheer curtains fluttered in the soft, rain scented breeze. She and Miguel were cuddled in a carved mahogany four-poster bed that had obviously not been resized for modern comfort.

  “I slept in this bed when I was a child. It didn’t seem quite so cozy then. I think I might have outgrown it.”

  “I think that is because there are two of us in here.” She giggled when she felt his morning hard-on bump against her bottom. “There are some advantages to the tight quarters though.” The room was large and bright with tall windows that opened onto a wide balcony and the spectacular view.

  Miguel rolled her over onto her back and ran his hands down over her breasts until he reached her mound. He explored that territory, and she could feel that she was damp and eager. He reached down and used his lips and tongue to great advantage. The bundle of nerves between her legs was quivering, and her cream was slick. Then he slid his hard cock into her waiting pussy. He whispered in her ear. “That’s my girl, Gabriella. Open yourself for me.”

  Her nipples were tender and achy as he took each one into his hot mouth. She could smell the scent of her own arousal, and it was dizzying. She had never been as receptive to any man as she was to Miguel. She ground herself against him as she spread herself wide to facilitate his deep thrusts. Jolts of desire sizzled to her core. He stroked her for what seemed like forever, and her orgasm bubbled up from deep within her pussy. He continued to ride her hard until he spent himself inside her and collapsed on her chest.

  When he caught his breath he said, “Good morning, querida. Welcome to Puerto Rico. Let’s shower and go down for breakfast on the terrace with my parents. They will be waiting for us.”

  * * * *

  Gabby was delighted to see that breakfast was served on the wide, sun-dappled stone terrace overlooking the fabulous view of the estate, the forested slopes of the mountain and the ocean in the distance. Another white-coated servant brought a pitcher of fresh-squeezed orange juice, platters of bacon and eggs, pancakes, and fresh tropical fruit. It was all delicious.

  “This is the best coffee I’ve ever had. It’s amazing. Is it a special blend?”

  “No, Gabriella. The beans are picked from our bushes every morning, freshly roasted and ground by the cook.”

  “I didn’t know you grew coffee in Puerto Rico, Señora Gatto.”

  “We don’t have a lot of bushes anymore, only about a quarter of an acre.” She gestured to the neat rows of coffee plants festooned with bright red berries on the sunny terraced hillside. “We have just enough for our personal use, and please call me Carolina. Señora Gatto is too formal for my son’s amada.” She turned to her son. “What are your plans for the evening, mí hijo?”

  “Remember what I said about getting pushy, Mamá. I thought I would take Gabriella down to Old San Juan for some clubbing and dancing, maybe stop by a few parties, and say hello to some friends. She should have an opportunity to experience Puerto Rican partying and hospitality.” He turned to her and said, “It’s what we do best on this island. There is always an excuse for a party, usually many parties, and we make the rounds from one to another all night.”

  “Pushy, mí hijo? I see Gabriella is wearing Doña Maria Christina’s pendant and necklace.”

  “I’m sorry, Señora. I tried to tell Miguel that it was too valuable a present for such a new relationship, but he wouldn’t listen.”

  “It is not the value of the piece, Gabriella, it’s what it stands for. It is a present to be given to a novia, or fiancée. It has great meaning. Alberto gave it to me when we became—what is the English word?—engaged.”

  Gabby looked at Miguel and knew she had a question in her eyes. “We’ll talk about it later, querida. Mamá, this is definitely pushy.” He turned to Gabby. “Would you like to play some tennis, or maybe drive down to the beach?”

  Carolina did not look happy. It was obvious to Gabby that she should have left her Christmas present at home. It had not even occurred to her that Miguel’s mother would object to her being given a valuable piece of family jewelry, and it should have. She had worn the necklace every day since Christmas, and it now felt like a part of her. She should have realized that might raise a sensitive subject.

  “Don’t misunderstand me, Gabriella. I am not unhappy that Miguel gave you the necklace. I’m delighted that he has finally had strong enough feelings for a woman to give it to her. Please don’t disappoint us.”

  Wow. This is way too soon. She didn’t think she was ready for these disclosures.

  * * * *

  Miguel knew he should have anticipated that Mamá would spot the engagement necklace and jump to conclusions. Well, it wasn’t exactly jumping. He just had not enlightened Gabriella about the meaning of the necklace. He wasn’t sure he was enlightened himself. He knew he had been strongly attracted for her for two years. Now that he had been able to move the relationship along, he knew his feelings were much stronger than mere attraction. He thought he was in love with her, but he knew it was much too soon to go down that path. First, it might scare Gabriella all the way back to Fort Lauderdale in a leaky rowboat, and second, in a relationship such as this bad things could happen and feelings could change. He needed to be sure of himself and of her before a permanent situation was discussed. He’d had other fairly serious relationships, but the women or girls had not been able to deal with his dominant side. He knew himself well enough to be sure that his dominant and sadistic urges were not going to miraculously disappear. They were part of him deep down. They might not be as extreme as he had first thought, but they were definitely there.

  “Yes, let’s drive down to the beach. It will give me an opportunity to see a little bit more of the scenery.”

  And put a little distance between himself and Mamá, he thought on a laugh. Fine with me. “Change into your suit, and grab your beach bag. I’ll meet you at the garage. Popí, I’m taking the four-wheel-drive Jeep.”

  “Fine, son. Have a good time. Don’t worry about dinner. Your mamá and I are going out tonight.” That was all his dad had to say? Interesting. He would have thought the old man would jump right on Mamá’s bandwagon. His parents had had a tumultuous but basically stable and happy relationship, and he knew his father wanted the same for him. He had been pushing Miguel to settle down for a couple of years now.

  Miguel was looking forward to an evening of party hopping in San Juan. He had many friends he wanted to see and have meet Gabriella. His ties to his boyhood friends were still strong although he didn’t often get to see them. When Gabby walked out to the six-car garage, he saw her eyes pop. “Yes, it’s a six-car garage. It was converted from a carriage house shortly after the first cars were brought to the island. The horse stables were relocated. In the 1800s this was a coffee plantation. We’ll do a walking tour tomorrow if you like.”

  “I would love to see everything. Was your mother serious about the necklace?”

  “Querida. I know it’s a little soon to be discussing future plans. Let’s just enjoy the weekend. Surely you know you mean more to me than just a little romp in the dungeon. If that’s what I wanted, I could get it at The Black Iris Club with an experienced sub who was a masochist and who had no expectations of a relationship beyond the sex. We have time to explore our feelings. I wanted you to have the necklace. Can you just accept that for now?”

  “That’s fine with me, Miguel. I am certainly not ready for any discussions of future plans either.” The look in her eyes was a little nervous and uncertain, and he was worried that his mother had unintentionally sabotaged his long-term campaign with her premature revelations.

  They drove back down the mountain toward the coast. The dense rainforest pressed up against the winding two-lane roadway and cut off the distant view. When they broached a ridge, the cliffs of the magnificent rocky coastline were visible to the h
orizon in both directions. The haze of San Juan was far in the distance. Miguel continued to wend his way toward the coast. The four-wheel-drive feature of the Jeep came in handy as Miguel turned onto a sandy track that led to the beach. “I used to swim and surf here as a kid. We had a cabana, but I don’t know what condition it’s in now. I doubt my parents come down here.” The waves were crashing against the shore, and the surfing would be good today. He had tied two boards to the roof of the Jeep, but he didn’t know if Gabriella surfed. “I forgot to ask. Do you surf?”

  “A little bit. These waves might be a little big for me, but I would definitely like to body surf.”

  “Good. I threw a handboard into the back as well, so we are all set.” Miguel carried his board down to the sand and then went back for a cooler the cook had packed for them. He looked up the beach and saw the family cabana. It looked like it was not in too bad condition, and he planned to check it out before they left. Gabriella dropped her cover-up and tote on the blanket he had laid on the sand and turned to him. “Let’s go. I’m getting excited.”

  He pulled her into his naked chest and kissed her hard and deep. “I like to hear that you are excited, querida.” He handed her the handboard and picked up his shortboard, and they walked into the warm surf.

  * * * *

  Gabby and Miguel paddled out to the lineup beyond the breakers. Miguel straddled his board facing out to sea and waited for the next good wave to roll toward them. “This is the one, babe.” He crouched on his board, turned toward the shore, and timed his pop-up. His tan muscles glistened in the salty surf. When the crest was just about on them, he caught the oncoming wave and took off, keeping his body crouched down with his arms out for balance. Gabby followed with the small handboard, which didn’t require standing up. They were both on the open face of the wave running parallel to the beach. Following Miguel’s expert example, Gabby was able to maximize her ride length and speed. It was exhilarating. She had never managed such a long and exciting ride on the small waves off Fort Lauderdale beach. When they had ridden the wave all the way to the shoreline, she stood up.

  “That was amazing, Miguel. Let’s do it again!”

  “Okay, and then why don’t we catch a few broken white-water waves in shallower water and work on your board technique. This is a great opportunity to practice paddling, your push-up, and changing direction.”

  They caught a few more waves and then spent over an hour practicing just beyond the frothy waves near the shoreline. Gabby’s muscles were about ready to turn to mush when she lay back on the board and said, “That’s it. I’m done. I may not be able to stand after this. You may have to carry me back to the car.”

  “You’re starting to get it, querida. Your balance is really improving. We can come down again tomorrow morning for a couple more of hours of practice.”

  They carried their boards back to the blanket and collapsed. Miguel opened the cooler and tossed her a bottle of sports water and opened one for himself. She watched in fascination as he drained the whole bottle in one long gulp—his head thrown back and his throat muscles working. Oh, God. He was delicious. While he was not naked as he had been in his pool at home, he was still a gorgeous sight. His board shorts were not revealing, but his impressive chest and arm muscles were on full display.

  “Are you hungry? Cook packed us chicken and avocado sandwiches, cookies, and fruit just like she did when I was a kid.”

  “That sounds great. I’ll take a sandwich.”

  When they were done eating, Miguel pulled her up from the blanket. “Let’s go explore the cabana. I want to see how much work it needs.”

  They walked up the beach and up over the high tide line to the thatched beach cabana. It definitely needed some repairs, but the remaining thatch sheltered them from the hot midday sun. Miguel spread a big, brightly striped beach towel down on the sand, dropped down, and pulled her down beside him. “Let’s just relax here for a while.” There were people surfing and swimming in the distance and some couples gathered around blankets near the shore, but they were several hundred yards away. Basically, they were alone on the white sugar sand. The only sounds were the crashing waves, the wind in the palm trees, and the raucous cries of the sea birds. It was heaven on earth.

  Miguel pulled her into his arms and kissed down her throat to the top of her bikini. Before she knew what had hit her, he had her bikini top untied and her suit bottom pushed down to her knees and off. “Miguel! There are people here!”

  “They can’t see up into the shade under the cabana. Don’t worry, Gabriella. I’ll be on top.”

  “Ha! You’re always on top.”

  “Now, that is not true. I let you get on top sometimes.”

  “Really? When?”

  “Let me think.” The devil was grinning.

  She laughed. “Don’t strain yourself. The answer to that would be never.”

  He rolled her over on the towel. “Let me love you, querida.” He took her hands and pinned them over her head. He reached down and nibbled at her beaded nipples. “You taste delicious—salty and sweet.”

  The water beyond the breakers was the clear blue of his eyes, and the waves were breaking on the shore. “Keep your hands above your head. If you move, there will be consequences.” He pulled her into his arms and cupped the cheeks of her ass in his hands until her legs naturally wrapped around his waist. He looked into her eyes for a moment, and then he crushed his mouth to hers. He took possession of her soft lips with a kiss that rocked her to her soul. The desire to have him buried in her hot pussy was pooling below her waist. When they came up for air he pressed his forehead to hers. “Querida, I’m sorry to be rushing this relationship a bit, but you should know I’ve wanted you for a long time.”

  “If I were honest with you and with myself, I would have to admit that I have wanted you as well, Miguel.” She sighed. His weight between her thighs was delicious, and she was having a hard time concentrating.

  Her center was now crushed against his groin, and his erection was straining to get free. He pushed his trunks down. Now they were skin-to-skin, and there wasn’t a soul in sight. He raised her hips and thrust his hard cock into her warm, slick pussy. The shaft of pleasure that sizzled down her spine made spots dance before her eyes. He began to rock into her with short, powerful thrusts while he gripped her hips. He lowered his head and took the salty tip of her breast into his mouth again. She groaned and thought she would lose it.

  Gabby threw her head back and gave him her throat. She couldn’t keep looking so deeply into his eyes as he pounded into her. She was dying to run her hands over his body, but he had ordered her to keep her hands in position, and she was determined to try. She wasn’t afraid of a smack on the butt, but she was afraid to trust her own judgment and emotions, never mind his. Carolina’s revelation about the necklace had left her reeling.

  The intimate caress of his hard cock in her hot pussy was enough to send her over the edge, but she held back. She wanted these moments in paradise to last forever. He continued to pump into her as his husky voice whispered sweet things in her ear in the rough voice she couldn’t resist. Her breath quickened, and she exploded into an exquisite climax as she convulsed around him, milking his thick shaft with every thrust. His hard cock pulsed his release as he kissed her with a fierceness that took her breath away.

  She rested against his wet chest until their hearts stopped pounding. He rolled her over until she rested on his chest. “Now you’re on top, querida. What do you have to say?”

  She laughed. “That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, Miguel, and you know it.”

  “Maybe I’ll let you be the top one of these days. Maybe.”

  “Definitely something to look forward to!”

  Chapter Eight

  Club Brava, in the El San Juan Hotel & Casino in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, Wednesday night, New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2014

  Gabby and Miguel had already had dinner in a charming restaurant in the Condado District of tr
endy restaurants and clubs and spent an hour in the Casino. San Juan nightlife usually started late and ended early—early the next morning.

  The energetic crowd dancing in Club Brava in the El San Juan Hotel was scantily clad and beautiful. The women wore brightly colored short dresses and mile-high shoes and were escorted by men so handsome she thought she was on a movie set. The pulsing beat of the Latin music was invading her body and mind, and she couldn’t have stayed still if her life depended on it. Miguel swung her out onto the dance floor and into some hot salsa dancing that she wasn’t sure she could keep up with. The man could move. She was shocked. He had always seemed so conservative and uptight. This was definitely some new and colorful packaging. She had worn her long hair loose, and it swept the floor as he dipped her back and then swirled her around before he slammed her back into his body.

  She was glad she had borrowed a short, tight, spangled dress from Kaylin. Her own clothes would have been way too conservative for this crowd. Miguel looked fabulous in a white silk collarless shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black, well-tailored slacks. His looks were striking and didn’t require any enhancement. The laser lights bounced off his black hair, and his blue eyes sparkled. This was New Year’s Eve in Old San Juan. It seemed he knew many people there. They had been greeted by at least six different couples that he knew from his boyhood on the island and frequent visits home to see his parents. He kept his arm possessively wrapped around her waist and proudly introduced her to everyone. They had promised to visit several private parties later in the night. Apparently the locals were party animals of the first water, and Miguel had explained that the night would not be over for them until they stayed for breakfast at dawn at whatever house they ended up last.