The Appearance of Impropriety [The Horsemen] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6
Tori pushed her hands against his chest, putting a little distance between them. “Zack, give me just a little more time,” she pleaded.
“Okay, Tori. If you need time, I’ll give it to you, but it’s not going to be easy.” He took a deep breath, and she could feel him dig down to engage his will power as he exerted an iron control over the desire she could sense pounding in his veins.
Chapter Ten
The next morning Tori awoke early with a little twitch of excitement in her stomach. Knowing she wouldn’t fall back to sleep, she had gotten up, dressed warmly in comfortable old riding breeches, heavy wool sweater, two pairs of socks, and paddock boots and hurried to the barn. She did her morning barn chores, prepared a take-along breakfast, and saddled the horses. She left the enticing chore of waking Zack for last.
Zack looked very appealing sprawled on the double bed in Tori’s guest room. The softly faded quilt barely covered his lower body, and a shadow of stubble darkened his strong jaw. His features were relaxed in a deep sleep. After carefully placing a steaming cup of black coffee on the bedside table, Tori sat with a jarring bounce on the corner of the bed. Zack opened one eye cautiously and gave her a baleful stare, then glanced pointedly at the clock on the bedside table. It wasn’t even eight o’clock yet.
“Wake up, sleepyhead! It’s a glorious morning. The horses are fed, saddled, and raring to go,” Tori said as she gave another exuberant bounce. As she was about to pop off the bed, Zack’s arm snaked out and caught her around the middle, tumbling her back into his arms. He gave a sexy growl and nibbled her ear and the sensitive underside of her jaw, rasping her skin with his morning whiskers. “Don’t…stop…it tickles,” she shrieked with laughter, as they rolled around like playful puppies on the warm, rumpled bed. The tingling sensation raced clear through Tori’s body to her toes.
Zack and Tori wrestled until he had her pinned under his muscled thigh, his expression becoming serious as he brought his mouth to hers and kissed her with a passion that left her breathless. He looked into her sparkling emerald eyes, grinned, and said, “What’s this I hear about breakfast, woman?”
“Is that all you can think about?” she inquired with a pout.
“Absolutely not. But if we don’t get up off this bed right now, we won’t get up at all.” Zack groaned as he started to rise and swing his long legs over the side of the bed. Tori jumped up and turned away, unsure of how much skin she would see.
“I’ve brought you some coffee and packed a brunch to take on the trail, so let’s get going,” she said with a blush as she closed the bedroom door behind her.
It was a very chilly morning. Zack’s breath was steaming in the frosty, early morning air as he strode down the back porch steps, freshly shaved, wearing form-fitting, well-worn jeans, a blue plaid flannel shirt, and leather vest. Rocky and Shadow were tied to the hitching post outside the barn, and Tori was busy attaching a small saddle bag to the back of her English hunt seat saddle. She turned to him with a smile and said, “Ready for a good run?”
“You better believe it. I’ve got to work off this frustration somehow. I’m willing to bet that ‘Rocky the Sherman Tank’ won’t be any match for Shadow.”
“Wanna bet?” she said over her shoulder with a devilish grin that should have warned him.
“What are the stakes?” he inquired with a gleam of interest in his sky-blue eyes. “Make it worth my while.” He laughed back at her.
Ignoring his taunt, Tori positioned Rocky next to the wooden mounting block, climbed up, and stepped over and into the saddle. Zack vaulted onto Shadow’s back and, settling into the saddle, adjusted the stirrups to his long legs. They ambled off down the long drive and out to the main road, enjoying the brisk morning air.
“This is different,” Zack commented. As they walked side by side, Tori could see that he was able to look her straight in the eye due to Rocky’s unusual height. “I’m usually looking down on other riders.”
“Is that a commentary or a statement of fact?” She grinned. “Let’s warm these guys up with a nice trot, and then we can have a good gallop once we turn off the road. We probably won’t see anyone on a weekday. The morning workouts at Black Oak Ridge Farm are over at this advanced hour.” They turned onto a sandy lane defined by wide wheel ruts down each side, and Tori put Rocky into a working trot although she held him back a bit to match Shadow’s somewhat shorter stride. “I think almost everyone loves a black horse,” she said admiring the gleaming black animal with the small white star on his forehead.
“Yeah, Shadow’s great. He was one of my first polo ponies. He’s retired now. I’ll tell you, he’s quick as a snake, turns and changes leads on a dime, and is absolutely fearless. He’ll charge into a melee of swinging mallets without any hesitation. I really think he understands the concept of the game and knows he has to chase the ball.”
The lane was bordered by tall oak trees sprinkled with pines and a tangle of underbrush. The scenery slipped by at a pleasant clip as they moved the horses out. Shadow, not wanting to be left behind, extended his trot to keep up with Rocky.
“Rocky seems to be exceptionally well-mannered for a stallion. He’s not at all aggressive. Some stallions would try to fight with a gelding.”
“Yes. He’s very easy to ride, and he tries hard to please. For a breeding stallion, he’s extremely easygoing. There’s a nice straightaway of about a half mile around that next bend,” Tori said, smiling benignly. “Want to make a little wager?” she challenged. “I bet you five bucks I can beat you to that bend in the lane.” She really felt no need to be fair, and full disclosure wasn’t on the menu this morning.
“Fine with me,” Zack returned…to empty air. Tori had spurred Rocky into an extended canter, and his long strides were eating up the ground before Zack could gather himself to follow suit. As Zack encouraged Shadow to give chase, Tori spurred Rocky into a ground-shaking long and low gallop. Shadow made a valiant effort to catch up, but Rocky’s slight head start combined with his longer stride kept him a few paces ahead. As Shadow tried to close the gap, Rocky deftly shifted his hindquarters from side to side effectively blocking the way, keeping Zack and Shadow just where he wanted them—firmly in his slipstream. Rocky-3, Zack-1.
As soon as Tori had a comfortable lead, she began to slow Rocky back down to a canter, allowing Shadow to catch up, and the two horses began to wind down, finally breaking into a trot and then a walk.
“Well, what do you think about ‘Rocky the Sherman Tank’ now?”
“That was not fair, young lady. We’ll have to try that again….once Shad and I get our breath back,” he said, clearly trying to sound highly indignant. “Double or nothing.”
Tori grinned at him. “Ready for that breakfast I promised you?”
“Absolutely. I’m starving.”
“There’s a nice spot in an oak grove down that trail where we can dismount and let the horses graze while we eat.”
While Zack replaced bridles with halters and ground tied the two horses, Tori unpacked the small thermos of coffee and the bacon-and-egg biscuits she had made that morning. They had worked up an appetite in the brisk morning air, and the food was delicious and plentiful. As they kicked back and relaxed side by side, Zack turned to Tori and pulled her into his embrace. Tori buried her cold cheeks against his corded throat and drank in the intoxicating smell of warm, excited male.
“What’s happening here, Zack? A romantic entanglement was not in my plans for the immediate future.”
“Truthfully, not in mine either. It can be whatever we want it to be, Tori. It’s up to you. We’re both free and over twenty-one. You already know how I feel,” he said as he nestled his hard-on between her thighs. He brushed his lips gently over her temple and down her soft cheek to her jaw. He seemed to hesitate. “Let’s get out of here before my good intentions take a hike.” Tori wondered about the cause of his sudden reticence.
They remounted, and Tori took them home via a cross-country route. They long-trotted
down the dirt road, negotiating the twisting turns at a handy clip. They splashed across a shallow stream with a sandy bottom, cantered the straightaways, and jumped a log blocking the path. It was early afternoon by the time they reached Tori’s back gate.
“I take it you’ve also done some three-day eventing?” he inquired with a grimace. “I thought a couple chukkers of polo got the heart rate up.” He laughed
“You did okay.” Her laughing glance roved over him. “For an older guy! But, I do admire a man with a good seat.” She smirked as she maneuvered Rocky to the side, opened the metal stock gate, and headed back to the barn.
“I’ll put the horses up since you were magnanimous enough to let me sleep until eight o’clock,” Zack said as he dismounted and draped Shadow’s reins over the hitching post. He turned and held up his hands to help Tori down, sliding her body against his as she slipped from Rocky’s back.
“Thanks,” she gasped. I’m definitely going to have to make a decision here and soon. She wondered if there really was any decision to make. Her body seemed to have a mind of its own where Zack Talbot was concerned.
* * * *
Zack unsaddled the horses and brushed them down. As he worked, he rehashed the problem that was now never far from his thoughts. But he could come up with no new solutions other than to find out if there was, in fact, a problem and if so to push for a settlement of the lawsuit. Not being of an overly optimistic bent, he knew he would have to confront his feelings about Tori and this situation, but not now….not now. He was going to make the most of this short reprieve he knew couldn’t last. I’m not going to walk away from this relationship without a fight. I’ll work it out.
“Rocky, old boy. What am I going to do here?” he mused out loud. “If Tori’s involved in the Z-Tech lawsuit I’m going to have a major problem. I’ll be in deep shit. Her discovery efforts will eventually turn up the fact that Z-Tech is a subsidiary of CZT Enterprises, and then she’ll remember the helicopter.”
Rocky snorted a derisive reply and nudged Zack none too gently. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you actually understood all this.” Not to be left out of the proceedings, Rosebud rubbed his face against Zack’s leg in a blatant appeal to have his ears scratched. As Zack handed out treats and complied with the requisite scratching and petting, Rocky whinnied a protest.
“I know, Rock. It’s your goat, your girl, your world, and we humans are merely here to serve. Don’t look so satisfied with yourself, you hedonist.” He grinned as he vigorously scratched behind Rocky’s ears. Rocky-4, Zack-1
Zack finished up and put Rocky and Shadow into their stalls with thick pads of alfalfa hay to keep them busy and turned back toward the house. He was eagerly anticipating a cup of coffee. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Rocky’s talented nose busily working at opening the sliding latch on the stall door.
“Gotcha! Another daring escape foiled,” he crowed as he strode over to the stall and slipped a handy spring clip over the hasp, making it impossible for the door to be easily opened. Rocky-4, Zack-2.
Chapter Eleven
Tori topped off Zack’s wine glass with the last of an excellent Chianti. “That has to be the best fettuccini Alfredo I’ve ever had,” Zack remarked as they finished their wine and stretched out on comfortable floor pillows and a hooked rug before the crackling fire in the living room.
“Thanks. I have to be honest. It’s one of my three acceptable ‘company’ dishes. I don’t have much time to cook. My housekeeper, Mrs. Gonzalez, usually leaves my dinner in the fridge when she’s around,” she admitted with a rueful smile.
“Well, that’s okay. It’s not your cooking I’m interested in.”
“Oh? What are you interested in?” she inquired with a shy smile as she turned into his embrace. Tori had done some serious thinking as she prepared dinner. She had determined not to push Zack away again. She didn’t understand it. It had all happened so fast, but her feelings for him were just too intense to ignore. Some things were meant to be explored. She was a strong person who could step forward to meet life’s challenges head on, and she wasn’t backing away from this one.
“You know what I’m interested in. You. But you have to let me know when you’re ready to move to the next step. I promised no pressure, and I meant it.”
“I’m ready, Zack,” she breathed as she pressed her breasts against his broad chest and ran her hands over the sleek muscles of his arms, up around his neck, and into the silky waves of black hair at his nape.
“Are you sure?”
* * * *
Zack groaned with relief as he pulled Tori securely into his arms. He buried his face in her glorious shining hair, breathing in her special fragrance that combined with the scent of fresh air and sunshine. He pressed his mouth to hers in a stirring kiss. He gently enticed her lips open and plundered the tender flesh of her mouth with his darting tongue until he felt her pulse quicken.
Slowly he trailed his lips down her silky throat, pausing to suck on her nipples until they hardened beneath the lace of her bra. He unbuttoned her shirt and opened the front fastening of her bra, exposing the lush, full breasts that had been tormenting him for days. He played with her pebbled nipples, taunting them until they were thrusting with need.
“Anyone who says ‘more than a mouthful is wasted’ is crazy,” he whispered.
Things were moving too quickly. Zack wanted to take his time. He leaned back and took a deep breath. He looked deeply into her heavy-lidded emerald eyes. Gently, he began to slide Tori’s blouse down her arms, unzipped the front of her jeans, and pushed them down her long lush thighs. All that remained were her lacy bikini panties and matching bra. Zack removed them slowly, savoring each inch as he went. He was awestruck by her body—so smooth, sleek and opulent. Quickly he removed his own clothes and rejoined Tori on the rug.
* * * *
Tori was desperate to touch him. She slid her eager hands up and down the warm flesh of his chest, glorying in the feel of his skin under her fingers.
Tori sighed as she watched him recline beside her and stretch out along her body. She was mesmerized as she ran her hands over the sculpted muscles of his slightly hair-roughened torso. He was gorgeous. Her hand slid down his muscled abdomen following the intriguing arrow of dark hair to its ultimate conclusion at the apex of his thighs. She encircled his turgid cock and caressed him. He shifted out of her reach. “My turn first, baby,” he said, breathing heavily.
Zack began a leisurely exploration of her body, trailing his wet tongue from the base of her throat, through the valley between her breasts, to the delta of curls above her thighs. He slipped his fingers into the slick heat of her pussy, and she writhed with an intensity of feeling she had never before experienced as he lightly caressed her pulsing clit. It had never felt like this before. Oh, what she had been missing all this time. She raised her hips in a blatant invitation, but Zack would not be hurried. He pushed her back and slid down until his face was between her thighs. He brushed his tongue over her clit in tight circles. When she thought she would lose her mind, he returned to her aching breasts. He continued to caress her until she was wild with longing. Her clit hummed under his masterful fingers.
Desperate to satisfy the need he had aroused, Tori could wait no longer. She pushed Zack onto his back and rolled over to stretch out on top of him, eagerly rubbing her hot, wet pussy against his engorged cock. She rose above him straddling his hips. She shifted to take him into her eager cleft. Plunging down to engulf him in her heat, she began a slow rocking motion as much a part of her as her heartbeat. Tori was so near the edge that she climaxed almost immediately and was dazed by the all-encompassing burst of fireworks that shot through her body. “Obviously, it’s been far too long,” she gasped.
* * * *
Zack was enthralled with the transcendent light of pleasure in Tori’s eyes. He clamped an iron control on his response, and he held back. He pulled her to him, swiftly rolled over on top of h
er, and without missing a beat, took over. Slowly, with exquisite control, Zack plunged deeply into her slick, heated core, withdrawing from her pussy almost completely, and then plunging again and again. He was fighting now to hold back his orgasm. It seemed he had waited an eternity for this moment, and he didn’t want to rush it. Finally he could hold off no longer, his orgasm thundered through him, and he brought Tori to another fiery explosion of pleasure.
A warm glow surrounded him as he watched the dying flames in the fireplace. What have I done? There’s no way I’m going to be able to walk away from this woman now. Zack pulled an afghan from the sofa to cover them, and they snuggled on the rug in front of the glowing embers in the fireplace.
“Zack, I want you to know that was a first for me. I’ve never felt like that before,” she whispered.
“Me either, Tori. I don’t know what the future holds, but I think we should see where it takes us. We definitely have some explosive chemistry.” He was still trying to grasp the unbelievable events of the past week. Had it been less than a week? Arm in arm, they made their way to Tori’s bed. They fell asleep in each other’s arms under the soft, brightly colored log cabin quilt.
When Zack awoke, the sky was still dark but turning to pink on the eastern horizon. Tori was cuddled tightly to his chest, his legs entwined with hers. It was a warm, comfortable feeling that would have turned decidedly warmer if not for the feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. Zack was in over his head and up to his ass in trouble. While he could say he still didn’t know for sure about Tori’s involvement in the lawsuit, he could no longer lie to himself. He knew it in his bones. He knew without a doubt that Tori would be justifiably livid when she found out the truth about who he was and his connection to her lawsuit—and that he’d known about the connection almost from the beginning. He just couldn’t bring himself to ruin the moment. When they got back to town, he would come clean. But first he had to think of a solution to mitigate the damage. He knew he was not willing to give this woman up no matter the cost.