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Harper's Submission [Golden Dolphin 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online

Page 4

  “Is correct. I was Domme before I met Gregory, my Master. Change was an interesting process.”

  “Did you have a hard time making the change?”

  Natasha laughed. “Greg had hard time. Really, it was difficult for both of us, but he had to establish dominion, and I did not make it easy for him. He is very strong Dom, very masculine. He did not appreciate being challenged. With my type-A personality, I did not want to give up control either. You could say we went around and around over it for a while.”

  “What happened? Why did you even consider it?”

  “I was State-raised orphan in Russia. That background made me very tough customer, but I was missing something in my life. I needed more. I met Gregory at Le Club Beaudelaire in New Orleans. I was there with a member who was sub. Gregory was manager there. When he saw me in scene, he immediately decided that I would bottom for him. I was not so sure. He is very strong personality with much character and determination. Eventually, I agreed to try it. I would never bottom for anyone else—just my Master. He is very special. He is love of my life.”

  “What’s special about him? What made you agree?”

  “He just knew that I was really masochist who had been trying to be sadist—sort of protective coloration, I guess. He is first man I was ever able to completely let go with. I am not psychologist. I just know what I feel. When I am with Gregory in scene, is like the whole world goes away, and I only see and hear him. He gets inside my head, I guess. I don’t know what else to tell you.”

  “Thanks, Natasha. That helps. I guess if I decide to try it for myself, I’ll have to see if I can let go. See where it goes from there. It may or may not work. There’s no way to know in advance.”

  “Good luck, Harper. If you find right relationship, right Master, there is nothing like it.”

  Chapter Nine

  Newport Harbor, Newport, Rhode Island, on board the Golden Dolphin, November 11, 2013—Monday Evening, Day Two of the Cruise

  As the ship prepared to depart Newport and head north to Boston, Morgan and Harper were looking forward to a quiet dinner in the Master Suite. The day had been long and busy, and they just wanted to put their feet up, have a good dinner, and relax. Actually, Morgan had a little more than that in mind. He was hoping to get an opportunity to peel her out of that cashmere sweater and the tight, black jeans that so lovingly sculpted her body. He had enjoyed her company and the mostly relaxed conversation they’d had, but his body wanted more. He wanted to get her sleek, naked body beneath him and drive the cock that had been hard all day into her wet warmth. He poured short brandies into heavy crystal snifters and joined her on the deck.

  “How would you feel about getting in the hot tub before dinner? It looks pretty good to me.”

  “I’d have to go down and get my bathing suit, and I don’t feel like moving right now.”

  “Totally unnecessary—bathing suit optional. No one can see up here.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Oh, come on, Harper. We’re adults. I won’t promise not to make a move on you. That would just be insulting your intelligence, but you know you can trust me not to do something you don’t like or don’t want. Even though this is not a scene, we can institute the safe word program.”

  She hesitated, and then her brilliant smile broke through. “Oh, God. That steaming, bubbling water looks wonderful. It’s calling to me. Okay. Turn around so I can get undressed.”

  “You’re killing me here,” he said, but he did as she asked. He could hear the zipper on her jeans and the soft rustle of her clothing as she got naked. Then he heard her soft sigh as she got into the hot, churning water. He turned around. She was submerged up to her neck. He quickly stripped out of his clothes, stepped into the hot tub, and sat down across from her. He put his drink down on the deck, and he stretched out his arms along the back of the tub and let his head tip back. His feet found hers under the water, and he ran his foot up and down her calf.

  He watched from slitted eyes as the steam rose from the water and partially obscured her features. He enjoyed the way her hair curled against her damp skin. Her neck arched back as he continued to massage her lower legs with his feet, and she sighed. This was the most intimate they had been so far, and he was not inclined to rush. Hopefully, they had at least an hour before dinner would be delivered. He planned to eat in front of the living room’s marble fireplace. He wanted to take his time. He could tell that Harper needed to be seduced. A hurried assault on her senses wouldn’t do the trick, no matter how anxious he was to taste her. She was exquisite. But more than that, she was brilliant, sweet, and very vulnerable. His Dom experience told him that she needed something more from him than a quick but satisfying tumble, and he was determined to give it to her.

  * * * *

  Harper watched Morgan from under her long black eyelashes. The sight of his muscular body gleaming in the reflected light from inside the suite was awe-inspiring. He really was a beautiful man. She wished she had the sexual self-confidence normal women had. At a time like this, she would give anything to be able to shed her baggage and just enjoy the moment.

  She was disappointed as his stunning body disappeared below the churning water. The steam quickly turned his wavy hair into shining black curls. She bet he didn’t realize that he looked like Michelangelo’s David. She knew that was fanciful, but she was entitled to her fantasies. She had had more than a few about him over the seven months of the trial and trial prep. If she was honest with herself, she had fantasized about him before that as well. There was something about a beautiful, nearly naked man in a mask that was highly erotic, especially in the sex-charged atmosphere of Le Club Eastside. She had watched some of his scenes and put herself into the role of his sub in her mind. While that was not something she had planned on actually being, the fantasy was compelling. She wondered if she had the courage to try it, if she could actually let go completely and allow him to take command.

  Chapter Ten

  Morgan and Harper were bundled into the thick white robes with the Golden Dolphin logo on the pockets, and they settled at a small table in front of the fireplace. Their dinners steamed on their plates, and they dove in. Morgan didn’t think he would ever get tired of watching Harper’s enjoyment of the big, fat Maine lobsters served on board the Golden Dolphin. She had a sensual enjoyment of her food. He hoped he could translate that to a sensual enjoyment of her body—and his.

  They chatted casually during dinner, and when they were done, he poured himself another brandy and her a Bailey’s, which they took back out on the deck. They settled companionably side-by-side on the double-wide chaise and looked out at the moonlight glinting off the whitecaps. The ship had departed Newport at eight o’clock.

  He turned to her and grazed his lips over her cheekbones. Then he gently kissed each of her eyelids before he moved down to her soft rose lips. He kept it light. While he was dying to deepen the kiss and take her down with him, he knew he had to give her time. He took her left hand in his and lightly massaged her long, slender, ringless fingers.

  “You know I want more than this, Harper, but I don’t want to pressure you. What are you thinking right now?”

  She gave a long sigh. “I’m thinking that I wish I was a normal woman and could enjoy this moment the way it deserves to be enjoyed. I should tell you that sometimes I freeze up, panic.” Her openness surprised him as it had earlier that day, and at the same time, he recognized a strength and maturity in her, which fascinated him. He’d like to get his hands on the bastard that had taken the trusting and loving heart of a child and smashed it under his heel.

  “You are a normal woman. You just have some challenges to overcome. I’d like to help you with that. I think discovering the woman under the protective shield would be well worth the effort.” He hoped his words were comforting to her.

  “Morgan, I’d hate to disappoint—”

  He interrupted her with a conviction he hoped would boost her self-confidence. “Harper. You wo
uld not disappoint me. If anything, I would be disappointed in myself if I was unable to pleasure you. Please give me the chance to try.” He took her gently into his arms, but this time his kiss was not gentle. It was demanding. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and let the kiss intensify. He felt the shudder run through her body. He was glad that she was not indifferent to him. He pushed on and brought the kiss up another notch. When she sank into this kiss with more abandon than he had ever seen in her before, he rose from the chaise and picked her up in his arms.

  “This is your chance to say no. If you don’t, I’m going to do everything I can to make this a memorable experience for you. I promise not to hurt you. If you get scared, just let me know, and we’ll slow down. What do you say?”

  “I say yes. I want to try, and I want to try with you.”

  He carried her into the bedroom and laid her down in the center of the enormous and very luxurious bed.

  * * * *

  Harper knew she was taking a big chance. She would be humiliated if she found herself unable to respond, or worse, if she found herself freezing up as she had in previous encounters. She would be heartbroken if she saw the look of disgust in Morgan’s eyes that she had seen before when she had not been the woman her partner had expected her to be. She had never explained herself to anyone before. Maybe she should have. Maybe she should have trusted someone before now, but she had sworn not to put herself in that position again. Maybe this time…

  Morgan untied the belt of her fluffy white robe and opened it. She was fully exposed to his view, and she felt vulnerable. She caught her breath as he dropped his robe on the floor and joined her on the bed. For a moment the fear rose up and choked her. She had to fight it down or cut and run. She could see that Morgan was aware of her panic. He watched her for a moment and then just brushed her hair from her forehead and looked into her eyes.

  “Don’t be afraid, Harper. Don’t pull away from me. There’s no rush, no timetable. Take a deep breath.” He stroked her hair and then ran his hand gently down her back. “It’s going to be okay.” She tried to relax as he just held her and rocked her like a baby while he whispered sweet nonsense in her ear. She knew by the tender look on his face that he wished he could make it all better, take the feelings of hurt and betrayal away.

  He pulled her closer to his chest, and the heat of his big body seeped into her. It seemed to take the chill off her heart as well as her body. His nearness was like a drug. She looked into his eyes and saw the desire there. Desire for her. Her heart did a little skip and jump.

  He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her gently. He slowly insinuated his tongue into her mouth and explored her thoroughly. She felt his rock-hard cock against her belly. She was ready to bolt again, and then she felt a quiver of anticipation race through her body. She felt a hum in her lower parts. It was not something she had ever felt before. She had never responded to anyone the way she did to Morgan. A little spear of hope seemed to be trying to lodge itself in her heart. Maybe this time…

  * * * *

  Morgan ran his hands down her body, enjoying the feel of her silky, pale skin. The trial had kept both of them in the city over the summer, and he could see that she hadn’t had an opportunity to turn her usual golden brown. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her soft, round breasts, to cup them in his hands and suck the sweet raspberry nipples. He was trying to go slow, but it was hard. He had wanted her for a long time, but he didn’t want to spook her. She was like a wild bird, ready to fly at any moment. He lowered his mouth to first one pouty tip and sucked before moving to the other. He felt the jolt that passed through her system as he played with her pebbled nubs. This was good, a positive reaction. He kept at it, alternating his lips and his hands as he gently pulled on her nipples. If this was as far as they got tonight, he would take it, but he wanted so much more for both of them. He felt her slowly relax in his arms. He continued his assault with drugging kisses and the soft touches on her breasts, teasing and slow.

  Finally, she began to respond. He growled deep in his throat as she began to moan and thrash. God, he was hard. He wanted Harper with every fiber of his being. He put his hand down between her legs and waited for her to panic. When she didn’t, he relaxed a little himself.

  “Take it easy, baby. We have all night. I’m not going to rush this.”

  “Oh, Morgan. I’ve never felt like this.” Suddenly there was a release of hot, wet heat between her legs. He was delighted. He ran his fingers through the slick wetness as he lightly circled her pulsing clit. She strained toward him, seeking more contact. He lightened his touch even more. He was going to make her work for this. She began to toss her head and rub against him as she desperately tried to maintain contact. He parted her hot pussy lips and slowly slid two fingers into her hot center. He thrust them in and out of her, ruthlessly stimulating her G-spot, until she gave a wild shudder and came around him.

  Giving her no respite, he took her mouth again as his hand cruised down the long expanse of her elegant back until he cupped her cute butt. He squeezed the round globes in his big hands. He had wanted to get his hands on her ass for days. His cock was throbbing relentlessly as he nestled up against her. “Easy, baby. We’re not done here.”

  When her breathing had calmed a bit, he lined his cock up to her slick opening and claimed her with a powerful thrust. When his shaft was fully seated, he gave her a moment to adjust to his presence as her pussy stretched to accommodate him and then began to rock slow and easy. He watched her carefully for signs of the panic she had warned him about, but she seemed okay for the moment. He pulled out almost to the limit and then pushed back in to the hilt as he continued to thrust into her. He refused to be hurried. The feeling was exquisite. Slowly the rhythm intensified as he continued to stroke harder and faster. He fought to withhold his orgasm until he had brought her to completion. She was on the brink, but she refused to go over. He leaned down, and lowering his voice to the Dom range, he growled in her ear. “Come for me, Harper. Now.”

  * * * *

  Harper gave a startled cry as her climax washed over her body in a hot rush. She had never had an orgasm during intercourse before, and at first she was frightened by the powerful feelings pulsing through her body. It felt as if a dam had burst. Morgan continued to pound into her with wild abandon, his hips pumping relentlessly as feelings of ecstasy continued to jolt through her system. Strangely, she wasn’t frightened now. Finally, he followed her over the top, and she felt his climax ripple through his taut muscles as his body stiffened and his seed blasted into her vagina. She cried out with the joy of it as another shaft of intense pleasure ripped through her, leaving her breathless.

  She was exhausted by the storm of sensation and emotion as she tried to recover from her first-ever climax—no, that was three climaxes. She almost giggled, and then she watched him roll off of her with a look of sublime satisfaction on his face. He fell back against the pillows, relaxed and at ease, while the maelstrom of emotions still roiled through her. Suddenly, she went from about to giggle to spitting mad. She punched his shoulder. “Don’t look so proud of yourself, you big oaf.” She didn’t know why she was angry. She should be delighted with him and herself.

  He had the audacity to laugh at her as he pressed her body close to his. He kissed her forehead, her eyes, her cheeks, and finally her mouth. He rolled over on top of her again, spreading her legs with his muscled thigh. “Don’t be mad, darlin’. I just delivered what I promised. It’s cause for celebration, not anger.” He began to stroke his still-hard shaft against her center, hitting her clit with each stroke. The feeling was delicious.

  If it was so damn easy, why had she never been able to get there before? This self-satisfied jerk shouldn’t be the only man on the planet capable of getting her off. It was intolerable. She wanted to smack him again, but he imprisoned her hands over her head. She tried to roll away, but he wouldn’t allow it. He looked deeply into her eyes, pinned her with his hot gaze, and said, “We’re goin
g to work through these problems of yours, Harper, one at a time if necessary. And I’m going to enjoy every minute of it. Understand?” He ruthlessly plunged into her again and brought her to another hard and fast orgasm. Four. Geez Louise! This is incredible.

  She struggled for a minute more before she gave in and relaxed against him. She didn’t understand it. It had never happened before, but she had to be grateful. It would have been a tragedy to go through life never having experienced these stunning feelings that seemed to be every woman’s birthright—except for her—until now. He rolled off her and cradled her tightly to his chest. He threw his leg over her thighs and just held her. He wasn’t letting her go anywhere.

  “Thank you, Morgan.” She buried her face in his neck and just breathed him in. “You’re right. I’m not really mad. I don’t know what came over me. That was amazing. Do you know I’ve never had an orgasm before? Ha, nevermind four. That’s pretty sad. I do want to work through my problems. I don’t know yet if I can bottom for you, but after tonight, I think I might want to try.”

  “There’s no rush, baby. We have a lot of ground to cover and lost time to make up for.” He pulled a soft throw over them and settled her more comfortably against him before falling asleep. She shook her head. Just like a man to fall asleep after the most momentous event of her life.

  * * * *

  Morgan watched her snooze in his arms. When she was deeply asleep, he pulled the bedspread back, tossed the decorative pillows on the floor, and covered them both. She was spending the night with him right here wrapped in his arms, and hopefully she would spend all the other nights on board with him as well. He wasn’t naïve enough to think all of her problems had been solved by one good fuck, well three, but he knew he definitely wanted to work on it. And wasn’t that going to be a pleasure? It was a puzzle he was anxious to solve for both of them.