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Gabriella's Prosecution [The Black Iris Club 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 10

  “No, Sir. I have not been disrespectful, and you are being unfair.”

  “Are you sure you want to go down this path, sub? You will be earning a punishment.” She sank down into the slave position on the plush rug at the foot of her bed. She knew her pussy was wet, and she definitely felt the tingle of anticipation running through her blood. He walked over to her dresser and opened the jewelry box sitting on top. He looked through the contents with a frown until his face broke into a smile, and he lifted a pair of large gold-tone clip-on earrings out of the box. “Just what I was hoping to find, sub.” He jingled the clip-on earrings in his palm menacingly. The look on his face gave her a minute’s pause. “Something to say, sub?”

  “No, Sir.” Miguel reached down and pulled her to her feet. He took her nipples into his hot mouth and began to pull and nip at them until they were standing out even more. He pulled one nipple out and quickly attached the earring and then treated the other one to the same torture. She gasped, but the discomfort lessened until it was as though an electrical conduit had been attached from her nipples to her pussy. Her pussy was buzzing.

  He sat on the edge of the bed. “Come to me, Gabriella.” When she hesitated, he crooked two fingers. She was beginning to find that gesture a tad annoying. Did he think she would just obey him? Well, obviously he did. She walked to him slowly. “Over my lap, subbie. I think you need your butt warmed.” She thought so, too, but she was still uncomfortable about just submitting like this.

  “Can we discuss this, Sir?”

  “Do you want to use your safe word, subbie?”

  “No, Sir.” She moved to his side hesitantly and lowered herself across his lap. He didn’t pull her down. Apparently she had to submit to this all on her own. He would not force the issue.

  “Good girl.” The first slap on her upraised, bare butt was hot and stinging, and it was following quickly by at least dozen more. When he stopped, her ass was on fire and so was her pussy. She spread her legs and raised her butt a little higher. She knew she was exposing her creamy pussy to his view. “Are you asking for more, sub? That is topping from the bottom.” He ran his hand down along her spine and over her hot butt before he dispensed three more hard, quick smacks. She thought she would lose it if he didn’t slide his talented fingers down over her wet slit and alleviate the burning desire that pooled there.

  “Please, Sir.”

  “Since you ask so nicely, sub.” His fingers glided over her slick center with the lightest touch. She was desperate for more, and she pushed herself against his hand. That quickly earned her another three sharp slaps. Oh, God. She was burning up. She needed the rock-hard cock she felt under her stomach in her aching pussy, but she was afraid to ask. That would definitely be topping from the bottom. It might be worth it if it got her what she so desperately needed. He soothed her sore bottom with his big hands and then positioned her beside the bed. He stood behind her and ran his hands down over her chest. When he came to the makeshift nipple clamps, he flicked each one in turn, and sparks shot directly to her pussy. He guided her to the foot of the bed where he urged her up onto the mattress. “Kneel on the end of the bed, butt to me.” She obeyed, hoping she was about to get what she desperately needed—his hard cock in her hot pussy. If he didn’t fuck her soon, she would spontaneously combust. He stripped out of his clothes and stood behind her. He teased her quivering pussy with the tip of his hard cock and lightly smacked her butt again. She moaned. What could she do to get him deep inside her?

  “Sir, please fuck me.”

  He slapped her butt again. “In my own good time, sub. You must learn patience.”

  “I’m afraid I have none of that left, Sir.”

  He laughed and slid his big, beautiful cock into her waiting center and began to pump slow and easy, sliding in and out at a leisurely pace that she thought would drive her crazy. He knew that was not what she wanted, but he was apparently going to make her wait. Her body arched against him, and she was about ready to beg for release when he finally began to stroke her velvet pussy as though he meant it. He picked up the pace until he was pounding into her, and she could feel the bounce and jiggle of her ass with each stroke. She didn’t care. All she could think of at this moment was coming—long and hard. His thick erection filled her all the way to her womb.

  * * * *

  Miguel savored her moans of need. He loved to watch his cock slide in and out of her grasping pussy. Everything about her turned him on, and the sound of her pleading for release was the sweetest music. Her body was as tight as a bowstring, and she bucked her hips to meet each of his strokes. A few more powerful thrusts brought her to the edge, and her hot and pulsing pussy convulsed in pleasure around his dick as his hips continued to pump with wild abandon. Ecstasy jolted through his entire body as he pounded into her. The damn broke, and he spilled his seed in a warm rush against her womb and finally collapsed over her back. He had no breath left for speech, but he hugged her tight against his chest, and they came down together. When he could move again, he stripped the bedclothes back and deposited her in the center of the bed. He gently removed the earrings from her nipples and dropped them on the bedside table, climbed in beside her, took her into his arms, and pulled the quilt up over them.

  “Querida, there are no words.”

  Chapter Ten

  Courtroom B of the Circuit Court, Criminal Division, Broward County Courthouse, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Monday morning, February 2, 2015.

  Gabby was nervous. She and Don Mason, her second chair, were sitting at the prosecution table in the courtroom waiting for the first batch of prospective jurors to be moved into the jury box for voir dire. Questioning in preparation for jury selection in the Ramón Gonzalez, Los Mara Toros Rojas trial was about to begin. Gabby had carefully crafted her questions to weed out anyone who would be sympathetic to gang activity. She did not want to appear to be racially profiling the jury pool. Hispanic jurors could be a double-edged sword in this case. Some might have been gang members in their younger years or might be violently anti-gang because they had lost family members to gang violence. It was her job to figure out the story for each juror. Her paralegal, Mayra Rodriguez, was sitting on the bench right behind the prosecution table with her iPad on her lap so that she could quickly Google any of the prospective jurors who caught their attention.

  The weeks preceding the trial had seemed to race by as Gabby and her team attempted to envision every possible problem and come up with a solution to each in advance. She so desperately wanted to win this case. She and Miguel had continued to grow closer, spending most nights on her houseboat and weekends at his ranch. The proximity of the houseboat to the courthouse was convenient for both of them. She was amazed that they rarely had cross words even in the close confines of the boat. She knew he was used to having more personal space, but he was patient. The sex continued to be off the charts, although he did not always introduce the BDSM element. He was romantic and affectionate as often as he was domineering and strict. He loved to smack her butt at any opportunity that presented itself, and she found that she actually loved the feel of his hand on her ass. That she was so receptive to the BDSM play had been a surprise even though Kaylin and Chloe’s experiences had somewhat prepared her to be open-minded.

  The first pool of jurors was led into the jury box. The bailiff addressed the court. “All Stand. The Honorable Judge Marvin Bonoff presiding.” The judge took his seat on the bench overlooking the courtroom.

  “Ladies and gentlemen. It is an honor to be selected to serve your community in the judicial process. Our esteemed prosecutor and defense counsel, Ms. Delaveccia and Mr. Levine, will be questioning you about your backgrounds, et cetera. Some of you will be dismissed and will be returned to the jury pool to be available for further selection. Whether or not you are chosen to serve on this jury is not a reflection on your personal qualifications, but is based on the needs of the case at hand.” He looked at the entire courtroom sternly. “You are not to discuss what you he
ar in this courtroom between yourselves or with anyone else. Ms. Delaveccia, you may begin.”

  Gabby questioned and dismissed the first three jurors for cause. Two had DUI convictions and the third had gang tattoos. She took more time with a middle-aged Hispanic woman who had a settled and intelligent look. “Mrs. Ramirez, can you tell me if you have ever been the victim of a crime.”

  “No, but my husband was held up at an ATM once.” That could be good for their side, but Levine might not want her and could use one of his preemptory challenges.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Can you tell me if you or any member of your family has ever been a member of a gang?”

  “No. No gang members.” So, no emotional ties to gang members. Also good.

  “Can you tell me what you do for a living?”

  “I’m a paralegal with a Fort Lauderdale insurance defense firm.” That could be good or bad. Sometimes legal professionals anticipated the case and thought they knew more than they actually did about the law. Usually they weren’t chosen. But, if Levine didn’t boot her out, Gabby wanted her on the jury. She thought the woman would have the intelligence to catch the nuances of the case, and frankly, her case was going to rely a lot on nuance.

  The questioning continued for two more hours until it was time for lunch. So far five jurors had been chosen and approved by the opposite side. They would continue after lunch. The jurors were removed from the courtroom, and the prosecution and defense tables emptied for the lunch break. Miguel leaned over the low railing separating the prosecution table from the gallery. “Will you join me for a quick lunch, Gabriella, so we can discuss the jurors you have chosen so far?”

  “Yes, Sir. I would like that.” She turned to Don. “Can you and Mayra run quick searches on the rest of the members of this batch while you eat?”

  “Sure.” Don and Mayra both gave her a sympathetic look. If they only knew that she and Miguel had made slow, sweet love in her shower that morning before grabbing Egg McMuffins on the way to the courthouse.

  Gabby noticed that every female in the courtroom was following Miguel with a hungry look in her eyes. She felt a slow blush beginning to rise up her chest, to her throat, and finally to her cheeks. She had to get a handle on this, or she was going to blow their cover. They caught a quick lunch in the courthouse café while they went over the first batch of jurors. Miguel had watched from the back of the courtroom for a while before he had to go back to his office for a meeting. It was torture to sit across the table from him and not be able to touch his hand or kiss his cheek. She realized that she had it bad. She had to get herself under control. She returned to the courtroom, and Miguel returned to his office.

  By five o’clock, the jury of twelve men and women, plus two alternates, had been chosen. The judge addressed them. “Please return to the jury reception room next to this courtroom tomorrow morning at nine o’clock. Please be prompt. Do not read any articles regarding this case in the newspapers, on the computer, or watch any news coverage if you do not wish to be sequestered for the duration of this trial and all jury deliberations. Do not discuss the case between yourselves or with your friends and families. I don’t like to sequester juries, but I will if I have to. Don’t make it necessary. Have a pleasant evening. Bailiff, you may remove the jury. Ms. Delaveccia and Mr. Levine, please be ready to discuss any evidence issues you have and be prepared to present any motions in limine first thing tomorrow.” Gabby hoped Levine did not have any evidence he wanted excluded from the trial since she had so little of it to start with. “I will want to start opening statements tomorrow morning so please be ready. We will reconvene at nine o’clock.” He banged his gavel. “Court dismissed.”

  Gabby gave a sigh of relief. The first day of her first major trial as first chair was over. It had certainly been a day of “firsts.”

  * * * *

  Gabby and Don were seated at the prosecution table on Tuesday morning before the jurors were brought into the courtroom. Bradley Levine made a motion to have Mrs. Garcia’s testimony excluded as well as the ballistic evidence. Both motions were denied as the trash they were. “Mr. Levine, I run a tight ship, and let me say that your reputation precedes you. I will not abide grandstanding in front of the jurors. Do it at your peril. Now, Ms. Delaveccia, are you ready to proceed with your opening statement?”

  “Yes, Your Honor.”

  “Bailiff, bring in the jurors.”

  When the jurors were seated and had settled down, Gabby stood up and walked to a podium in front of the jury box. “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Let me thank you for your service in this case. I hope it will be an interesting and worthwhile experience for you. The prosecution intends to prove that the defendant in this case, Ramón Gonzalez, head of the El Salvadoran Los Mara Toros Rojas, ruthlessly shot and killed Juan Martinez, the head of the rival Honduran gang, Los Panteras Negras, in a drive-by shooting in the parking lot of a bodega on West Sunrise Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale on January 4th of this year.” She went on to briefly describe the ballistics, video, and eye witness evidence to the jury.

  Bradley Levine stood up. “Judge Bonoff, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Briefly, the prosecution has no credible evidence against my client, Mr. Gonzalez, in this case. There is no evidence that he is the head of any El Salvadoran gang, or indeed, that any such gang actually exists, or that he was present at the crime scene.” Levine continued his presentation with sweeping gestures and hyperbole.

  Gabby had been watching the defendant closely while Levine made his opening argument. Levine wasn’t saying anything she had not expected. She could have written his statement for him, and in fact had actually penned a defense opening argument to help her craft her own opening statement. She was more interested in the demeanor of the defendant and the gang members who were in the gallery. The gang members had been cleaned up and were dressed in acceptable street clothes, but she could pick them out of the crowd by their arrogant attitude and swagger. Gabby noticed that Miguel, Kaylin, and Chloe were also in the gallery watching her Murder One debut, and she was grateful for their support.

  As she turned to briefly acknowledge them, she saw Gonzalez exchange a flurry of hand signals with one of his lieutenants. What the heck was he doing? She was sure Levine had coached him on how to behave in court, and waving his fingers at his homeboys was not part of the curriculum, she was sure.

  Levine kept his statement short, and when he was finished, the judge recessed for lunch.

  “Ms. Delaveccia, please be ready to start the prosecution’s case-in-chief and be ready to call your first witness when we return from the lunch break.” Levine had obviously hoped to catch Gabby off guard with his short statement, but she had anticipated that he would do just that, and she was ready to begin.

  Gabby, Don, and Mayra joined Miguel, Kaylin, and Chloe in the cafeteria. Gabby knew she would be heartily tired of the slim offerings in the courthouse cafeteria by the time the trial was over.

  Miguel sat next to Gabby and surreptitiously squeezed her hand just once before he brought his hands up on top of the table. They had gotten sandwiches and salads and had almost finished eating. Gabby was nibbling on a chocolate chip cookie and sipping a high test coffee. It wouldn’t do to get a case of the yawns during the afternoon. She had just turned to Miguel when over his shoulder she saw Broward Sheriff’s Office Homicide Detective Delaney Lord, Kaylin’s partner, approach their table at a fast walk. He looked upset.

  “Gabby, Mr. Gatto, I hate to be the bearer of this news, but Mrs. Alma Garcia’s house has been firebombed. The fire department has the blaze under control, but they have not been able to get in yet to check for victims. Mrs. Garcia’s car was in the driveway, and that could indicate that she was at home. We don’t know anything for sure yet.”

  Gabby gasped and took hold of Miguel’s arm. “No, I can’t believe that. I had planned to call her to the stand tomorrow morning. Miguel…”

  “Stay calm, Gabriella. We don’t know that she was in the house. S
he might have been out shopping with a friend, or visiting someone.” Gabby knew he was trying to keep her calm. It was unlikely the Toros would have firebombed a house to silence a witness if they didn’t know the witness was in the house at the time. Gang Warfare 101. She appreciated his effort and the comforting feeling of his strong hand in the small of her back.

  Kaylin jumped up and kissed Gabby quickly on the cheek. “Del, let’s get over there and see what we can find out. Gabby, I’ll call you.”

  Chloe also got up. “I’m going back to BSO. I’ll see if my CI has heard anything yet. He already had his ear to the ground and is on the periphery of the Toros gang.”

  Gabby, Don, and Mayra looked at each other in shock. They had spent months preparing for this trial, and it might be over before it really began. And a nice woman who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time and who had been brave enough to stand up for justice might be dead. Miguel took charge of his three shocked employees and steered them back to the courtroom. The judge would have to be informed. She was sure that the defense was already aware of what had happened. Gabby remembered the flutter of signals between the defendant and some of his gang members in the gallery that morning while Levine was giving his opening statement. Those motions now took on an ominous meaning. She wondered if any of that action had been captured on the court’s video cameras.

  When they got back to the courtroom, Gabby signaled the bailiff and explained what had happened. He told her that he would alert the judge.

  When court had reconvened, Gabby asked to address the court before the jurors were brought into the jury box.

  “Judge Bonoff, we had disturbing news during lunch. Our eye witness, Mrs. Alma Garcia’s house has apparently been fire bombed. We don’t know if she was in the residence at the time. She might be dead or injured. We would like a recess at least until tomorrow to allow the fire department to comb through the scene to search for victims and evidence of arson.”